A Little Love & A Big Misunderstanding

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He helped her get ready and she got her bath. She had her little sparkly, pink converses on. He had thought he would be going home earlier today, but his plans were changed. He was actually very glad that they had been. It would probably be very pleasant to do that. He liked spending time with Addy every opportunity he got. Addisyn looked super adorable. Her hair was in a long braid. She was wearing a white headband that also had a huge flower bow on it. "You look so beautiful, cupcake. Like a little princess. My princess." He said, as he lifted her up and twirled her around in his arms. Addy blushed a little. "Thanks, Daddy." She replied. Harry hugged her to him. "You're welcome, love." He said, as he let her back down from his arms. "I need to take my shower too." He muttered to himself. "Come on, honey." Harry said, taking her gently by her little hand and began leading her back downstairs. Addy clung tightly to his hand, but she stopped him. "Wait. Can I get my bunny, please?" She asked him. He nodded. "Of course. Besides, we're not going anywhere yet, silly." Addy smiled up at him, before running over to grab her stuffed bunny off the bed. Harry sighed, as he watched and waited for her. "Addy, be careful running, okay?" Harry warned her. Yes, he was extremely protective over the child! But, who could blame him for it? Addy gave a sheepish look. "Sorry." She apologized, clutching her favorite stuffed toy close to her.
*She had probably nearly over a million other toys to play with; but she was partial to this particular one. Well, it was one of the first gifts that Harry had ever given her, so that was likely why. Harry found out that bunnies were her favorite animal. He was planning on getting her a real one for her birthday. It was just difficult to really try to care for any pets right now. He was just so busy these days! He did have a cat (named Olivia) that he had given to his older sister, Gemma. Admittedly, Harry did spoil Addisyn some. Yet, he also tried to teach her the importance of giving back and being charitable towards others. He certainly did not want to raise the young girl to become selfish. And, just because he was a big time superstar, did not mean that she was just automatically entitled to everything. He wanted her to be appreciative. Harry wanted to teach her this, at a young age, so she would have a good sense about it early in life. Addisyn, herself, had known what it was like not to have much in her life. Sadly enough. She did have somewhat of a fair understanding of it. Harry had even allowed Addy to come with him to some of the charity events that he was currently involved in. She really did seem to have a pretty thoughtful attitude towards other people.*

"It's okay, sweetheart." He glanced over at the unmade bed; then turned to face her. He raised a brow. "Now, you didn't make the bed up earlier, did you?" She lowered her head shyly. "No sir. I forgot." She answered in a small voice. "Well, can you go do that for me, real fast, please?" He asked calmly. Well, it wasn't exactly a suggestion though... "Yes sir." Addisyn obeyed him. He held her toy for her while she did that. He watched her intently, as she did that and then came back over to him. She wore a big, bright smile on her face. "I did it!" She said proudly. He smiled at her. "Yes, you did." "Good girl. Thank you." Harry said, ruffling her hair again. She gave another cute laugh. He tried to give her her toy back, but she shook her head. He gave her a funny look. "Addy?" "You can babysit Flopsie for me." She teased with a giggle. Harry laughed at her and shook his head. "But, I already have *you* to babysit." "I'm just kidding." Addy accepted her rabbit back.

Harry smiled again, as they walked back downstairs together. Louis was already dressed too. He looked up their way. He smiled at Addisyn, getting up from his seat. "Aw. Addy-roo, you look adorable." He said. Addy giggled, batting her eyelashes. "Thanks, Uncle Lou. You do too." She teased. She made both guys laugh. "Love that shirt by the way." Louis said. Addisyn was smiling really big. "Look, you're on it. And, Daddy is too. Oh. And so is Uncle Li!" Louis chuckled at the chirpy little girl. "I see that." Harry just watched her. "Is Aunty Ellie still getting ready?" Addisyn asked Louis. He nodded, reaching down to scoop Addy up. "Yeah. And, she's giving Freddie his bath." Addisyn nodded; leaning into Louis's chest. "You have any idea when your sister's supposed to get here?" Harry asked, folding his arms over his chest. Louis checked the time on his watch. "Uh. Probably shortly. It was about two hours ago when Lottie called and I'm guessing they were probably already on their way over here." He answered. "Ooh! Where are we goin'?" Addy asked, sounding excited. Louis laughed at her expression. "I don't know yet, Miss Addy-roo. We have to wait 'til everybody else gets here." He said. He was making these funny faces at her, making her laugh. "Okay." She seemed to be getting antsy already. "Just be patient, okay?" Louis said gently. "I'm trying to be." Louis patted her head. Harry laughed when Addy suddenly held up "Flopsie" in front of Louis's face. "Hey, Uncle Lou. Wanna pet Flopsie?" She asked. Louis just decided to play along with her. He leaned his head back. "Oh. I don't know. Does he bite?" He asked. She frowned at him. "Uncle Louis, Flopsie's a girl!" She explained. "And, no she doesn't bite. She's nice." She said, giggling. Harry covered his mouth to keep from laughing. "Oh. My bad. Sorry, Mrs. Flopsie." Louis murmured, petting the fake bunny's head. Addisyn was giggling again. "She said she forgives you, Uncle Lou." Louis looked over at Harry, who just shrugged. Louis was playing around with little Addy. Harry announced that he was going to go get ready now. Louis just waved his hand. "Don't worry. I got her." Harry knew he probably treated Addy a lot younger than she actually was. The child was almost seven years old now. Yet, he couldn't help it sometimes.

Harry took his shower and got ready. When he came back down, Eleanor and Freddie were also ready now. Louis was playing on the floor with his son. He realized he must take longer to get ready than them. Still, Zayn had him beat on that! He was dressed in an Alexander McQueen black long sleeved button up shirt. He had on black jeans (that were slightly torn at the knees) and matching combat boots. His curly, brown hair was coiffed in perfect fashion. Eleanor was gushing over Addisyn. "Oh my goodness! You are sooo cute!" She exclaimed, hugging the little girl. "Thank you, Aunt Ellie. You look very, very pretty." "Aw. You're so sweet too!" Eleanor laughed. Addy immediately came padding over to Harry's side when she saw him. She had her arms wide opened. "Hi!" Harry chuckled at her. "Come here." He said, pulling her into a hug. Addisyn wrapped her little arms around Harry's legs. She was still so short that she still barely came up just above his knees. Everybody awed over this. "Look who's finally out of the shower." Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes at that.

He noticed Eleanor looking at him. "Whoa! Harry, you look nice." She said aloud. Harry looked at her in surprise. He could not believe that she just said that right out loud, in front of her boyfriend, who was standing within earshot. "Um..Thanks, El." Harry said awkwardly. Louis had his arms folded across his chest and he wore a scowl on his face. Eleanor realized how it must have sounded and she pressed a hand to her lips. "Uh, Eleanor? What are you doing?" "I'm right here!" Louis exclaimed. El quickly shook her head. "No, Louis! You know, I didn't mean it like that!" Eleanor cried, defensively, going over to him. Louis looked from her to Harry and back at her. "Louis-" Harry started to yell, but he stopped himself. Louis just stared at her. "Babe, I was just being nice. You know me by now!" She looked rather upset then, too. Her eyes were pleading for him to just listen. Harry decided to step in. He held his hands up. "Um. Look, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, mate." He said, defending Eleanor. He knew she was really a good girl. They wouldn't do that to Louis! And, he should know that, well enough, himself. Louis stared at them both long and hard, before relaxing. "Alright. I believe you." Louis told her. He, then, turned to Harry. "And, I'm watchin' you, Styles!" "With your..styles and stuff." He added. Harry frowned in slight annoyance. "Oh come on, Lou. You know I would never do that to you." He assured him. He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but Addy's tiny voice stopped him. "Daddy, Uncle Lou. You're not gonna fight, are you?""Please, don't be mad at each other. Don't yell!" Addisyn begged, grasping his hand. Harry glanced down at Addisyn who had a worried look on her face. They had almost forgotten about poor, little Addy, who was standing right there.. And baby Freddie! What kind of person was he? They should seriously all be ashamed of themselves right now! They were all acting so immature. They all ended up feeling bad about that. "No, love. We're not." Louis was the first one to answer her. Addy looked at all three adults. Harry put a calming hand on her back. "It's okay, Addy. I'm sorry if we upset you." He apologized. "It's okay." She whispered. "Sorry, Lou." El said, putting a hand on his arm. "It's okay. I'm sorry for acting like a total idiot. And, I'm sorry too..that I overreacted." "Jealous boyfriend mode kickin' in, I suppose." Louis apologized to all of them too. He seemed a bit embarrassed for the way he acted now. "Oh. It's fine, lad. I understand." Harry said with a laugh. "Love you, El." "Love you too, Louis-poo." El and Lou kissed. Then, Louis rubbed his chin awkwardly. "Well,, let's just forget about this then, eh?" He insisted. "Yeah. Let's." El agreed.

It was around ten AM now, and they were still waiting for Louis's siblings to arrive. "I'm gonna call Lottie up again and make sure they're okay. They may need us to meet them at the airport or something." Louis said, taking his phone out. "Yeah. Okay. And, I'm gonna go give Tess a call." Harry said. Eleanor and Louis looked at him. "You still haven't called her yet?" Eleanor asked. "I was going to, but I kinda forgot last night. I got a bit distracted." He whispered the last part. They showed some understanding then. "Oh right." Harry was about to step outside for a few minutes to call Tess. Louis ran up to his room for a minute. Harry was about to turn towards the front door, but he paused when he felt a tiny hand grasping his. He looked down to see Addisyn. "Daddy, where you goin'?" She asked, worriedly. He felt bad for the child again. He calmly took her by the hand and knelt down in front of her. She was just gazing into his eyes. "Hey, Addy. It's okay, love. I'm not going anywhere. I was just going to step outside for a second to make a phone call." He calmly explained to her. Addisyn looked at him attentively. "Okay." She replied softly. "Okay. I promise, I'll be right back." Harry gently reassured her, caressing her small hand with his thumb. He playfully poked her nose. "Munchkin." She smiled lovingly up at him. He returned her with a quick smile, before getting back up. Eleanor sat with Addy and Freddie, while the men stepped away to make their phone calls.


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