Family Fun & Movie Madness ★ Pt. 1

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"I'm ridin' with Harry!" Phoebe cried. "Me too!" Daisy said. "No. I want to!" Fizzy yelled. 'Oh no! This might turn out to be a nightmare!' Harry thought. "Girls, what did I just tell you all not even two minutes ago? About fighting?" Louis asked, sternly. They fell silent then. "Mhmm. That's exactly what I thought." "And, now, wait a minute, girls! Y'all can't all ride with Harry now." Louis said. "I asked first." Phoebe said quietly. "Alright, alright. You all need to hurry up and decide who's riding with who, BEFORE it gets too late to go anywhere." "And, I'm sure Addy's going to want to ride with him too. So?" Eleanor reminded them. They all looked at Harry expectantly. "Well, Ashley's the only one who isn't arguing or complaining, so I'll take her. If she wants to anyway." He turned to Ashley. "Ashley, would you like to ride with me and Addy?" He asked her. She just nodded shyly. "Aw. I thought she wanted to ride with me." Charlotte said, slightly disappointed. "Lottie, sweetheart, it's not that big of a deal. We're all going to the same place." Harry said. He, too, was starting to get annoyed by their persistent whining. They were old enough to know better by now. "Well, guess me and El are taking Freddie and the other little ones." Louis said. "And, I'm kinda hurt. No one even wants to ride with their favorite brother." "Aw. Sorry, Lou Lou. We didn't mean it that way." They apologized. "It's okay." Lou replied with a faint laugh. "Fine. Ash, you can do whatever you want. I'm sorry if I'm being rude. I just really like hanging out with you." Charlotte seemed sincere enough. "It's cool, Lottie." They shared a friendly hug. "Besties!" They both squealed. Harry and Lou shared a look. "Hey. I'll ride with you, bubs." Fizzy said, looking at Louis. "Okay! At least, one of my baby sisters like me." Louis teased the others sticking his tongue out. "Hey!" "We do like you, Lou!" "Yeah. You're the bestest brother in the whole wide world!" Louis got a cheesy grin on his face. "I know."

Ashley, Phoebe, and, of course, Addisyn ended up riding with Harry. Louis did not want Charlotte and the others going by themselves now, because he was worried about paparazzi. Fizzy was going with Lou and El. Charlotte and Daisy were coming along with Paul. Maybe, they might actually behave for *him*. Harry laughed to himself, thinking of how the littler kids were acting more mature and better behaved than some of the older ones. He still loved them like his own sisters, regardless. "Meet you guys at the theater." Louis said, waving. "Um. Which theater, mate? There's like literally hundreds of different theaters in this area." Harry replied. "I was thinkin' Cinerama Dome. It's a good one for smaller kids too." Louis said. "Kk. I know where that's at. Come on, girls. Your chariot awaits." Harry motioned for them to get in the car. He opened the doors for each of them. "Thank you, Harry." Ashley said sweetly. "Aw. Haz, you're such a gentleman." Phoebe said. "Yeah. Yeah. Get in, young one." He ordered. Phoebe let Ashley ride in the front with Harry, while she sat in the back with Addy. Harry lifted Addisyn into her car seat to buckle her in. Since she was still so small, she was still required to be in a car seat. Now, he almost wished that he had come in his Range Rover instead of the Audi. They would have had a little more room then.

Harry also got in. He punched the address of the theater up on the GPS on his phone. He looked over at Ashley and then at Phoebe in the mirror. "Seatbelts, girls." He reminded them. "I definitely don't need to get pulled over." Phoebe giggled, slipping her seatbelt on. "But, what if the cop's a lady and a big fan?" Harry laughed at that. "Hm. I don't know. Guess I could try working my charm then. She might cut me some slack." He joked, winking. "That'd be so awkward!" Phoebe commented. Ashley laughed too. Harry smiled at her. "Ash, you cold, love? Are y'all cold? I can turn the A/C down." He offered. "I'm okay. Thanks." Ashley answered. "No." Phoebe also answered. "Addy?" Harry asked. Addy looked up. "A little bit." She admitted. Harry reached back, fumbling around, and found one of his coats he had left in the car. He handed it to Addy. "Here ya go, baby. That should definitely keep ya warm." "Thanks, Daddy." Addy smiled. "Welcome, love." Addy bundled herself up in his large, black coat. "Mm. Warm." She had her face pressed up against it. He laughed. "Good." He noticed Ash watching him, but when he glanced her way, she quickly adverted her eyes.

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