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Harry decided to stay over at Louis's for the night and then head back home early tomorrow morning. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with Addy before they had to go out on the road again in just a couple days. It was nighttime by now. They ordered Chinese for dinner. Everyone wanted Harry to do the cooking, because what could he say? His cooking was bomb. Unfortunately, he was a bit too tired to this time. They just goofed around a bit and watched some movies with the kids. It was actually a relaxing night so far. Harry was thankful that Addy behaved the entire evening too. Well, she normally was a pretty good kid. All kids had their moments of course. He just dreaded those moments with Addy, because he hated having to discipline her. It was just strange and new for him. That was one of the most difficult things for him with this whole parenting ordeal. Addisyn was calm and in a cheery mood for the most part. He knew that she was happy to see him. He was happy to see her too. Harry did feel sorry for the little girl for thinking he would get upset with her for calling him her daddy. He really liked that better than just "Uncle Harry". Well, he was basically her daddy now, wasn't he? He was raising the kid now. He could easily see how badly she wanted to open up and receive his love for her. Yet, the child seemed to be fighting something internally within herself. Harry just wanted to help her heal. He did not mind her looking to him as a father figure. It was certainly strange to him. Only, because he never knew a whole lot about kids and dadhood. All of this had happened so quickly. Still, it had been his decision to take care of her. He did so, because he really wanted to. He was not just going to turn his back on her, like that. Especially, not now..after all that they had already been through together over the past several months. Addy was pretty well behaved throughout the evening. She did start to get a little cranky later on, however.
He tried to overlook her whiny attitude because he knew she had a long day. "Okay, kiddo. I think you need to go lie down now. You're starting to get a bit cranky." Harry said, a bit sternly. Addisyn did not seem particularly welcoming to that. "Aw, but-" She started to fuss. "Addisyn." He warned. She also knew better than to test him. Harry gave her a certain look and she quickly decided to obey him. "Okay. I'm sorry, Daddy." She apologized to him. Harry smiled at her calling him that again. "It's okay, baby. I know you're tired and you've had a long day. Just listen to me, please." He replied, softening his tone. "Come on." Harry got up with her still in his arms. "Wait. Can I go give Uncle Lou and Aunty El a hug first? She asked sweetly. Freddie had already long crashed. "Sure, love." Harry let her down so she could hug them. "Yeah. You better come give your most favorite uncle a hug, miss." Louis said, opening his arms to her.
Addisyn broke out into giggles all over again, as she ran straight to Louis, jumping into his arms. Louis's eyes widened when she did this. "Whoa! Be careful there, little lady." Louis warned, laughing at her. "You little kangaroo." "Wascally wabbit!" He quickly caught the young girl in his arms and pulled her on his lap. She started giggling even more when Louis started to tickle her. "Here comes the tickle monster!" Addisyn began to squirm. "Ah! Uncle Louis, you're gonna make me pee on myself! Stop!" She cried. Harry raised a brow at her remark, but only laughed. Louis finally stopped when she coughed. "Oops! Sorry, love." He apologized, gingerly patting Addy's back. Addy leaned against his side for a second, just gazing up at him. "Oh. It's okay, Uncle Lou." She replied. She smiled sweetly at him. "Alright. Well, you'd better go get ready for bed then, little Addy-roo." Louis said gently, letting her up from his lap. "Love ya, munchkin." Louis told her, giving her back another rub. She laughed. "Love you too, Uncle Louis. Night." She gave him another quick hug before also going over to hug Eleanor. "And, I love you too, Aunt Ellie." Eleanor gave her a sweet kiss on her little cheek. "Aw. I love you too, beautiful girl. Goodnight, darling." El smiled adoringly after her, as she came back over to Harry's side. He lifted Addisyn up on his hip to carry her upstairs. "Okay. Come on, Addy." Addisyn waved back at them, peering over Harry's shoulder. "Sweet dreams, babe." Louis said. Harry turned back to them.."I'll be back down in a bit." He mouthed to them.

If I Could Fly: Adopted By Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now