Meet The Tomlinson's

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** Starring 1DLouisfanforever as Ashley. 😘

((Harry had called Tess and explained to her what had happened, why he took so long to get in touch with her, and everything. She did sound rather upset, at first, but she was willing to forgive him after he fully explained everything to her..and promised that he would make it up to her. He truly appreciated her for being so understanding, because he still felt bad about it. "Okay. Bye. I love you, my sweet angel." "Ohhh. Love you too, my Handsome Hazza! See ya soon." "Yes. I will definitely see you soon, my love." "Oh. And please give sweet Addybug a hug for me." "Okay, darling. Will do." They hung up and he breathed a huge sigh of relief. Well, that went much better than he had expected! ))
Harry put his phone away and then went back inside. He smiled seeing Addisyn sitting on the floor and playing with Freddie on his little playmat. Louis and Eleanor were sitting together close by, looking on them attentively. Freddie was giggling away at whatever Addisyn was saying to him. She was trying to make him laugh, making all these funny animal noises. "Hey, Addy. Freddie. Whatcha doing?" He asked, now standing behind Addy, who was still on the floor. Freddie started cooing and laughing more, when he saw Harry. "Unca Ha! Unca Ha!" (He was trying his best to say "Uncle Harry")
Addy looked up at Harry. She suddenly stopped what she was doing. "Just playin' with Freddie." She answered. He smiled down at both of them. "That's nice, sweetie." He picked Freddie up in his arms for a few minutes and cradled him. Freddie started grabbing his hair. "Be careful, little lad. I need my hair." Harry said, laughing. "Freddie Reign, let go of Uncle Harry's hair. It's not nice to pull people's hair." Louis scolded his son lightly. Harry just shook his head. "He's fine, Lou. All babies do it." Louis gently took Freddie into his own arms and hugged him close to his chest, kissing his teeny tiny fingers.

"Hey, Haz. Can I keep Addy here just so she entertain Freddie everyday for me?" Louis joked. Addy turned to give him a funny look. Harry had a look of amusement in his eyes. "Hm. Maybe. Take her off my hands for a few more days." He was only joking with Addisyn, of course. "Daddy!" She whined, but at the same time trying to hide a laugh. "Don't listen to them, Addisyn. They're only playing with you, honey." Eleanor said. "Nah. Of course, I can't let my little Addy go. You know better than that, Missy." Harry said, reaching down to kiss her little head, making her giggle. "Addy, you know, I bet you would make a good big sister?" Louis said, but he was smirking at Harry, when he said this. Harry immediately shook his head. He knew what he was implying. "Oh no. Don't even say it, Tomlinson. One child to care for is enough for me. At least, for now. I'm only 23. Just turned 23 in fact." Louis chuckled at him. Addisyn wasn't so sure of what to say that either. They all laughed at the look on her face.

"Daddy, is Tess gonna come with all of us too?" Addisyn asked curiously. He shook his head. "No. I'm afraid not today, love. I asked her if she wanted to come, but she said she's busy today." Harry replied. "So, did you apologize to her?" "Yeah. I did. I explained everything to her. And, don't worry, Eleanor. I'm gonna make it up to her." Harry said with determination in his eyes. "I believe you, Harry." She turned to Louis. "Louis, didn't Lottie and them ask you if you could meet them at the airport?" She reminded him. Louis slapped a hand over his forehead. "Oh crap! I am a complete idiot! I forgot." He blurted a loud, jumping up from the couch in a hurry. Addy gave a tiny giggle. "Uncle Lou, sometimes, you remind me of a cartoon character." Louis sighed deeply. Harry gave him a strange look. "Louis? How did you forget that fast, mate? Didn't you just get off the phone with them?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "I know! I'm a terrible brother!" He sounded a bit melodramatic, as he moved about in a rush. He was already heading towards the door. Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Lou, stop it. You're not a terrible brother, babe. And, you know that." Louis glanced over at Harry. "Do you wanna come along?" He offered. "Uh..Sure." Harry agreed. Addisyn suddenly jumped up in a flash. "Ooh! Can I come too? Please?" She begged with such innocent looking eyes. "Oh. Of course you can, Addy-roo." Louis, then, turned to Harry, who had been about to refuse. "Seriously, Hazza! How can you ever say 'no' to that?" He asked, pointing at the adorable, little girl at his side. Harry glanced down at her and he laughed, with a shrug. "It's not easy. That's for sure." He admitted. "She's like literally the cutest little girl on the face of the planet! Along with my baby sis, Dori, that is." Addisyn giggled, lowering her head bashfully. "She sure is." Harry agreed, putting a hand on her little shoulder. "Thanks, Uncle Lou." She said in the sweetest voice. "And, she's so polite too." Eleanor said. "Well, she better be or she'll be in big trouble." Harry said, winking at his daughter. Yes, his daughter! Addisyn crinkled her little nose at him. He was only more amused by this.

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