Alice and Oz

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" Alice!!" Oz shouted, as he saw Alice walking towards the building from his room " How did you come back?"

" I don't know." 'Alice' shook her head. Keep acting Alice! until you get the information we need! Zwei demanded Alice directly by getting into her head by Doldam.

" Wait..." Oz stopped " You're Alice, not Alyss, who are you?" Oz asked " Where's the real Alice?"

" Hehehe!!! Didn't think you'd notice so fast there Oz boy!!" Lottie jumped out of her hiding stop " You can take back that girl, we don't need her anymore but don't come and try to find the other one someones gonna die." She warned and pushed Alice towards and and disappeared, just like she had appeared.

" Alice!! Are you Okay?" Oz shook Alice by her shoulders.

" Oz! You! Bastard!!" Alice pushed Oz away " You are my servant!! So never! Ever!! Let them do this to me!!" Alice demanded, as tears started to rush through her eyes.

" I'll never let them do this to you Alice..." Oz patted Alice on her head " Now, let's go in."

Alice gave him a small nod, and whipped her tears away so Break won't see her crying.

" Alice!!" When they got to the room where Sharon, Break, and Gilbert were waiting, Sharon was the first one to rush towards her " Are you okay? did they do anything to you?"

" she's just a dumb rabbit!! No one would wanna hurt her!!" Emilly cackled.

" Emilly, it's not nice to tell the truth!" Break pocked Emilly's head " And I figured that Alice, you might be able to find what you've been wanting to know~" Break sang " The reason you live, and what having a mother feels like~"

" No." Alice answers clearly " I'll figure it out alone, because I'm Alice!! Alice the B-Rabbit!!" Alice puts her hand on her waist, kicking a pillow " I can do what ever I want!!" 

" That's Alice!!" Oz laughed " But what are we going to do next?" Oz questions " Were not just going to stay here right?"

" No, but now, we have to find the stone of seal before the Baskervilles do." Gilbert opened his mouth for the first time " So they won't be able to find Glen Baskerville." The others nod silently.

" Ya but first, i think we have to go to where everything have started." Oz said " We need to go to Sablier."

Sorry! Late updates! >-< Been busy with school and soccer and friend problems! This chapter is super short, and I kinda went really off plot, if you already know Pandora Hearts, just think that Oz and the others already went to Cheshire's dimension and saw Phillip, deal? Please deal with me! from the next chapter on, I'll try to keep on track!" ( Oh my God! This is the same as me in math and science class! Thanks to cough!* @CrystalXStudios cough!*):)

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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