Lacie's Secret

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" Lacie! Stop!!" I yell out, than Lacie turned towards me, her body was covered in blood, " What's the matter Oz?" she asked, like nothing was wrong.

" Oz sama, please calm down." I heard a soft voice coming from behind, and I turned to see who was there, a girl, with light brown hair neatly sorted into a ponytail, with a purple fancy dress was standing there, with a guy with white hair, red eyes, white weird cloth, and a doll on his shoulder, called Emilly. " Sharon chan, Break!" I felt my face brighten, " What are you two doing here?" Gil asks " I told you, we can see everything  the three of you are doing!" Break answers laughing, " Did you forget about that?" Than Sharon chan steps out " Just ignore what Break had just said, and Oz sama, I came here to pick up the girl you and Raven and Alice san had found near the grave," She explains neatly unlike Break " But when I sent Eques to the carriage, she wasn't there, so we decided to come here, and check, and this is what happened..."

Lacie didn't seem to be caring about what Sharon chan had just said, but instead was staring at Break the whole time. " Hey, You! The one with the red eye and the doll! What's your name?" She asked Break curiously, Break bowed and answered " If you asking someone there name, your suppose to tell your name first." He gave her an evil smile, and Gil, Alice, and I all step back, but Lacie didn't even flinch. " OK than! My name is Lacie! And I don't know anything about myself other than that, and that I've contracted to a chain!" Lacie smiled.

" Well, my name is Xerxes Break, nice to meet you Lacie." Break said kindly, but I could tell, he wasn't trusting Lacie about what she had just said. " So Lacie, do you know what the name of the chain you contracted too?" The answer to that question from Break, Lacie just shook her head, and answered " No, but I know it's a huge black  rabbit!" She smiled again, and started singing.

After Break asking that question, Break told Lacie to work for him at the Pandora like me and Alice, when we first met Break and told us that when I just came back from the abyss with Alice, we were both really, surprised, but Lacie just looked curious about it and nodded. 

But after the conversation, the sun was falling so Sharon chan used eques so that we can spend the night at the Rainsworth mansion. " Eques." Sharon chan called her chain's name, than in no time, a black horse with a horn appeared from her shadow, making a weird circle around her, and we all jumped, in and when we look up, we were all in Sharon chan's mansion, and as soon as we got there, Lacie fell asleep.

That night, while Lacie was sleeping, Gil, Break, Sharon chan, Alice and I had a small meeting in Break's room, and of course, it was about Lacie. It was silent for a moment, but Alice broke the silence " She said that her chain is a huge black rabbit, but I'm the only kind of chain that's a rabbit!!" " That is correct, Alice san, and I and Break had researched about chains, but haven't found a chain other than you that has a rabbit form." Sharon chan agreed. " So, does that mean, that her chain might be a new chain the abyss or the will of the abyss had created...?" I ask curiously, " Yes I could be, but it could be a chain that had existed but had somehow..." Break stopped mid sentence, Alice and I shivered, because the room wasn't a room anymore, it was out side in the snow, where a little girl was chasing after her brother,  " Nii sama! "  She said smiling, and the boy smiled back saying something, but I couldn't hear it...

But we were back in Break's room the next moment, " That little girl, that was Lacie..." I say quietly. They all just nod silently. " That must be one of her memories, but why was it in Breaks room?" Gil asks Break. Break starts thinking and he smiled like a light bulb went off and starts going around his room trying to search for something. A couple of minutes later, Break took out an old box from his closet, and starts explaining about it " This box is a box that I found when I was searching for the path that will connect to the abyss at the mansion where Oz kun, you had fallen into the abyss, and I took it because I thought it would be some kind  of a clue, and never opened it!" " Than open it! You stupid clown!" Alice yells at him while she takes the box from him and opens it, and in there was a little ear ring that Lacie was wearing in her memory, it was a red tear drop shaped ear ring, with a little white "x" in the middle. I reach out, as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I've never seen this ear ring before, but I know this, and I don't know why, but it just feels familiar....

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