Lutwidge School 2

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Hello! from this point on I will start writing this in 3rd person, or else it would be very hard to understand what's going to happen.  And BTW the italics are the memories!                            ~ Sobra202

---------- --------------Few moments before Aida and Oz met each other-------------------------------

"Where is everyone?" Lacie asks her self as she walked aimlessly around the school.  ( Play music) Lacie turns to the direction the music was playing from. She knew she needed to find Oz and the others, but... This melody suck her in, she runs up the spiral stairs and as she went up the sound got louder and louder, and she ended up in a hall with a door on the other side, which it seemed like the sound was coming from. She walks up to the door, but when she tried to open the door, someone snuck up fro behind, and hit her from the back....

Lacie woke up in a dim room with many boxes toured up. " Where am I?" Lacie asked her self, and she tried to stand up, but her arm was tied up to her back, and her leg was tied together so she couldn't move. " Hehe, the princess id finally awake!" She herd a cheerful voice from above. So she looked up, and saw a woman, about 20, wearing a blood red cloak with pink hair and pink eyes, sitting on top of one of the stacks, and besides her were 2 men, one of them with dirty blonde hair, and a weird tattoo around it's left eye, and the other guys face was covered, but had the same tattoo on it's right eye, and they were both wearing the red cloak as well. " Who are you guys?" Lacie asks them. " We apologize for the rudeness Ms. Lacie." guy in blonde hair apologized polity. Than the girl sitting on top off the boxes jumped off, making the whole thing collapse. " Well well well! I never thought I could get you this easily!" She said in a cheerful, but evil way. " So who are you guys?" Lacie asked again wanting to know the answer. " Oh! I didn't think you even forgot what we are!" She explained. " Well, we are the Baskervilles! And that's all I can tell you for know..." She explained. " Lottie, I think we should hurry..." Said the other guy; the one with it's face hidden by the cloak. " Well, than..." The girl named Lottie slowly walked towards Lacie. Lacie tried to untangle the rope, but it was no good, and the last thing she saw were the Lottie having the evil grin on her face, while saying " Have fun diving into a piece of your memory... Lacie Baskerville..." 

On a snowy day on an forgotten street with no one but sore losers of life lived,  some one; almost the same as aliens around here put her feet in the grounds of this place." Heey. My name's Lacie what's your name?" a girl about 15 with red eyesand have a very dark shade of navy hair; almost close to black was wearing a pure white spaghetti strap dress on top of her snow pale skin, or her skin was even whiter than snow. " I'm Jack... Just... Jack..." The boy had emerald eyes and blonde hair, he was beautiful, but because he was living at a forgotten street, his face was all beaten up, answered as he stuck his head out of the dirty blanket that he wrapped himself in. " What a dull name!" The girl smiled and explained in a cheerful tone. The girl sat down in front of him, cuddling her self with her arms. " I ran away from my house, because I got in a fight with my brother! And I'm not going back unless he apologizes! And Jck, your not afraid of me even if I'm the child of misfortune/ the child of ill omen?" the girl explained to Jack, who did not care about what she was saying. So Lacie asked him, " Hey Jack! are you listening?" Jack just looked at her blankly, and whispered " I... Don't... Care..." Lacie filled her cheeks with air, and stood up and put her hands to her chest, " Do't you have a lot of questions to ask me? Like why I'm not cold in this dress?" She asked him. " Well I kinda was wondering about that..." jack thought to himself, but didn't say it out loud. " Well, the answer is yes! I'm freezing! Sooo..." Lacie jumped into Jacks blanket. " Wooo! It's so warm!" Lacie smiled as she pulled her self closer to him. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! WHO ARE YOU!?" Jack yelled at her; annoyed. " Hehe, you finally asked me a question. So you are interested in me."  Lacie said as she pulled her face right in front of his; their nose almost touching. Lacie's crisom eyes were so beautiful, that Jack felt like he was going to get sucked in. But before he could say anything, Jack dropped to the ground, unconscious...

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