Lutwidge School 3

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 Gilbert and Alice peeked out from the bushes of where they were hiding. " Where are the intruders?" Gilbert herd a man's voice so he ducked back, and pushed Alice's head down cause she wouldn't duck. " Hey! don't..hmmmm" Gilbert covered Alice's mouth with his hands until the guys left, and sighed, and turned to Alice with a sharp eye " We almost got caught because of you! You stupid Rabbit!" Gilbert yelled at her, who was folding her arms and filling her cheek with air, and she rather looked cute, but Gilbert didn't care. " Are you listening!?" He yelled at her again, and this time, she unfolded her arms and pointed her finger at him, " Don't you dare call me 'Stupid Rabbit' again! You seaweed!" She yelled at him. ' Shit, why do I have to be with her?!' Gil thought to him self, and when he turned towards Alice, she was gone, and was with a club called; [ The Meat Club] and was already ready to eat food. " What the hell id she doing!?" Gil yelled out loud as he got out of the bushes, when some girls came across, and saw him. " Um... Hello." Gil said to them as he waved, not knowing what to do. " OMG! He's so HOT!" Cried one of the girls, and they all started to crowd around him, asking questions like; ' Where are you from?' 'Are you free this weekends?' And it was too late the next second, because almost all the girls from this school was crowding around him. ' Shit! What should I do?' Gil asked him self, in the middle of the crowd.

As Oz and Lacie walked around the hallways to find the others, but they were both silent. " Hey Lacie, " Oz called to break the silence, " Ya" Lacie answered back, " Um, what's the name of the chain you contracted to?" Oz asked. " My chain's name is ' Lacie's Chain'" Lacie said in an; ''Obviously'' tone. " Wait, so does that mean there's a chain named after you?" " Not really, well, at least I don't think, 'cause I haven't recovered all of my memory's yet." " But you remembered the name of your chain!" Oz pointed out. " True, I think it's because the Baske..... Never mind." Lacie decided not to tell him. " You think it's because of the what?" Oz asked again. " Never mind~" Lacie sang as she skipped in front of Oz. 

" Lacie be careful!" Oz cried as he jogged towards  Lacie. When he was about to reach her, he bumped into someone. " I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" A familiar voice came into Oz's ears. " Aida?" Oz asked just to make sure before standing up. " Yes it is." Aida answered,and there she was, with her shoulder length blonde hair, and emerald eyes.

  " Hey, your Oz's sister that goes to this school right!" Lacie asked cheerfully. " Ye... Yes." Aida answered. " Do you know anyone that does piano in a small room on the top floor?" Lacie asked curiously. " Oh! That's probably Elliot and Leo! It's after class so I think they would be in the library." Aida suggested as she led the two of them to the library.

" You two can wait here while I will go find them!" Aida explained as she jogged through the shelves of books. " Whoa!" Oz said as he looked around the room with books that come up to the ceilings, and many bookshelf all packed with books! There were even stacks of them that couldn't fit! Oz skipped to a bookshelf to see what kind of books were there, and Lacie followed. " Whoa!! they have so many ' Holly Night' books!!" Oz cried excitingly as he started to pick out books. And when he tried to take book 24 of it, another hand was reaching out for it. There was a boy with dirty blonde hair; almost close to light brown, with blue eyes.

" Hey, you can't just read all of those books in a week! So I'll read this one!" The boy yelled as he took the book. " But I wanted to read it!!" Oz cried as he tried to take he book back. After a few seconds Oz gave up and sighed. " Oh! But can you tell me who your favorite character is? Mine's Edgar! He's sooo Amazing!" Oz explained cheerfully. " Huh, Edgar, being amazing?! I hate him, what he's doing is just for himself!!" Elliot yelled at Oz. " Like when he died this is what he said, ' My weapon is not to fear death...' Do you know how it feels to be one of the person to be with him?! They have to be extra careful of him so he won't die! He's just someone that uses ' for someone' as an excuse! How do you call him amazing?!" Elliot yelled at Oz, who was lying on the ground looking dead. " Edgar... Died...?" Oz asked, " Duh!! If your a fan haven't you read?! He dies at about book 16!" " How could you ruin the book for me! I have a ten year blank so I haven't read up there!!" Oz cried. " Well it's your own fault you shorty!" Elliot yelled back. " Hey Leo! How about you say something?!" Elliot yelled at someone a the side of the bookshelf that Oz didn't even realize was there. " That was Elliot's fault." The boy named Leo with Long black hair with a blueish purple shade in it with big glasses pointed out peeking out his head from his book. " What!? If your my valet, you should be on my side!" Elliot argued. " My job is to correct my master's act. and Spoilers are the worst thing you can do, so you should apologize to him." Leo pointed out. Elliot withdrew, and turned toward Oz " Sorry SHORTY"  and Oz and Elliot was back into fighting mode again. " So your name's Leo huh?" Lacie asked as she peered into Leo. " Why are you hiding your eyes when you don't have to?" Lacie sat in front of him, as she took the book he was reading as closed it. " Look, they look like sibling!" Oz whispered to Elliot. And indeed they looked alike with their black hair with a shade of blue and purple and white skin. Elliot just nodded " Hey, are you listening?" Lacie asked o make sure. " Ya, but miss, would you just give me the book back?" Leo asked as he reached his hand out to take the book from her. " No~" Lacie sang as she stood up with the book. " I won't give the book back until you answer my question~" Lacie chirped as she spun around singing that song that she had sang in her memory and when she first met Oz. " That melody...!" Elliot and Oz both said at the same time as Oz took out his pocket watch and started playing it. " Hey shorty! Why do know this melody and why is she singing a song with this memory?!" Elliot asked Oz pointing his finger back and forth from Oz to Lacie. " I fund this pocket watch, and she's been singing that song since I first met her!" Oz explained. " But how do you know this melody?" Lacie asked as she walk toward us, her dark hair moving from left to right. " Well duh! I wrote the melody!" Elliot yelled back. " Can you prove that?" Lacie gave him the evil grin. " If you want me to prove it, follow me, lets go Leo!" He told them as he walked towards the exit. 

" I feel like I'm forgetting something..." Oz thought as he followed Elliot and Leo. 

" Brother Oz! Lacie san! Elliot! Leo! Where are you~! Aida cried as she walked around the library.   

Pandora Hearts ~Lacie's melody~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora