Lacie and I

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Someone, had once told me, chains are furious monsters that come out from the abyss, and eats people. But they can only do that if they have a contractor, an illegal contractor, and the illegal contractor has a clock mark on their chest, and when the hand on the clock goes all the way around, the illegal contractor will fall into the abyss as well as the chain they contracted to. I turn around and saw Alice and Lacie sleeping. If anyone saw Alice, they wouldn't even guess that she is the most powerful chain the abyss had created. What Alice very looks like, isn't a 15 year old girl, she is a huge blood-stained black rabbit, with red eyes, wearing a weird red cloth with a huge white ribbon on it's neckline, and a half of  a card is sticking out, and holding a huge ax. She has a limiter that limits her to use her full power, but when she has a contractor, she will be able to release her power and do what ever. But Lacie on the other hand, we don't know anything about her... I remember about what Break had just said during the meeting.....                    " Oz kun, don't trust Lacie that much, she might just look like a girl, but she isn't...." " It's the same thing you told me when we first met Break, it's just with Alice, and I was right about it to trust Alice, so I'll trust Lacie as well" I remember my self smiling while I said that and Break was smiling as well.

I woke up and paniced when I saw Lacie and Alice both still sleeping besides me,and almost screamed, but I didn't want to wake them up, so I quietly snuck out, and went outside. I sat down on a bench in the Rainsworth families yard, and thought about what happened last night, the ear ring, Lacie's memory, the Baskervills, so many mysteries were happening at once that we have to connect, but I decided to find out what Lacie is...

" Oz" I turn around, and saw Lacie in her white dress and was bear feet, but she didn't seem to care, and she sat next to me on the bench, but the bench was small, so we were both squeezed. " Oz, do you have anything to do with the  Vessalius family?" " What!? How do you..." I don't remember telling her about me being a part of the Vessalius family, I turn and saw her smiling " You finally asked me a question!" She sounded happy. " If your wondering why I know about this, it's because you have the bracelet, it has the Vessalius family crest on it!" She answered the question that I was about to ask. " Your dad is the duke right!? So are you going to be the next duke?" I didn't want to talk about my dad, he never loved me, he never even cared for me. I just wanted to get away with this topic, so I didn't answer the question " Lacie, I have something to give you." I said as I take out the ear ring and hand it to her. She took the ear ring and she looked like she was going to pass out. " This... This is one of my memory..." She whispered, and she started to cry " Thank you Oz! You... You found my memory!"

Lacie was crying for quit a while, but somehow, a "path" opened and 3 chains came out, but bad luck for them, Lacie glared at them and slowly stood up, as she put the ear ring on " You ugly chains!" She whisper and in the next second, the chains went back to the abyss. Her ear rings dangled as she turn around to face me " All done!" She smiled cheerfully. 

I heard some rumbling, and I turn to where the sound was coming from, and saw Alice running straight to us! She kicked my in the face as she yelled " WHY DID YOU LEAVE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! " and she fell on her knees and started to cry " I felt the power of a chain...., so I got worried...and and..." Her voice was weak " Alice, I'm sorry. I was just taking a walk, and Lacie came over, so I thought I might as well give her the ear ring but couple of chains appeared." I looked at Lacie, wanting her to say something, but she just stood there.

" Oz kun and Lacie, I want you guys to work together and find Lacie's memory, and Alice kun and Raven I want you guys to work together , and find Alice kun's memory!" Break explains to us. But Alice and Gil doesn't look happy about what he said... " HEY CLOWN!! WHY DO I HAVE TO WORK WITH THIS SEE WEED HEAD?!" Alice argued. " Well I already decided on it, but if each pair finds one memory, than I might think about changing the pair each time you guys find it!" Alice stormed out of the door leaving Gil, and Gil chased after her. Lacie and I walked out of the room after them. 

" Hey Oz, where do you think we should go first?" Lacie asks, as we get out of the mansion. I thought about it for a second, but the answer popped right up " How about the place we first met?" I suggest, and she thought about it for a moment and nodded. So we went back into the mansion and borrowed a carriage.  It took a while for us to get there.

When we arrived, Lacie walked right past everything, and I just followed her. She walked straight to the grave where I found her. " This place...." She whispers and starts to cry, I sit next to her, and a soft breeze blew, but when I notice,  I was still with Lacie but wasn't at the grave, I was out side in the rain, and I look next to me and saw Lacie looking at the same thing, there was two of her, and the Lacie in her memory was dancing in rain of blood... I was terrified but I thought I've seen this before... Some where in my past, and in the next seconds, I was in a white room with a guy that looked exactly like me, with blonde hair and green eyes, but his hair was longer than mine, and was braided. " Who are you?" I ask the guy, he smiles and answered calmly " My name is Jack Vessalius, it's the first time I've talked to you like this Oz, but I don't have enough time, I jut wanted to tell you to search for both Lacie and Alice's memory, if you want the answer to all the things going around you, and that is the only way you can find out." I had more questions for him, but he disappeared, and I was back in the grave with Lacie. " That was a par of my memory." Lacie whispers I nod Lacie stands up and started to walk up  I stood up and turned around as well, until I saw a man with purple eyes, and white hair that was in a ponytail, his eyes met mine,and he put his finger over his lips and winked, and left. Lacie didn't seem like she saw him, so I didn't tell her about him.

When we got back to the Rainworth mansion, Alice and Gil wasn't back yet, so we went to Breaks room and told him everything, other than the white haired guy. " Interesting... So we need to find the memory's in order to get all the information we need.." " Hehe, it's gonna be such a pain!" Emilly blurts out. " Hey Oz! did you see the boy that was lying down on the ground in my memory? Because he looked soo much like you!" Lacie explains" With blonde hair, and green eyes! After that memory, I was trying to remember his name, but I only remember that he was just a toy to kill time!" She said cheerfully, like Jack was just temporary toy that she will play with until someone chasing her finds her .  "  Well, I think the boy Lacie saw, is Jack Vessalius, when he was a child. And that Jack is inside Oz kun... Hmmm" Break makes a creepy smile " Interesting..." 

The door slammed open, and at the same time, while someone yelling " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? STUPID RABBIT!!??" " SHUT UP SEE WEED HEAD!! IT WAS YOUR FALT THAT HE RAN AWAY!!" Alice and Gil was yelling at each other as Alice kicked the door open. " uh, guys? What happened?" they both turn towards me at the same time, and Gil starts to explain " After we found the rabbit's memory and came back, we saw this guy with white hair and purple eyes, and he was watching us the whole time. And that rabbit just ran straight to him, but of course she ran away, and she's making that my falt!" I rolled my eyes. " You guys stop complaining like a 5 year old!!!" I tell him, " Your already 24!! So stop acting like a 5 year old!!" And I walked away.

I knew Lacie and Alice was following me, but I ignored them and went in my room. But somehow Lacie was already there; sleeping. So I decided to sleep at the couch and let her sleep on the bed.

Pandora Hearts ~Lacie's melody~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat