Lacie Baskerville

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" I didn't think you'd remember everything this soon!" Levi laughed.

" I didn't either.." Lacie replied " But I'm worried about Alice, I think she knows now, and she's going to start searching for me..."

" If she does, she does! It's funnier like that!!" He told her.

" I hate how you think like that!" Lacie told him angrily.

" I'm glad!!" Levi said.

" Glad what? That your experiment worked?" Lacie asked impatiently.

" That too. but I'm mostly glad that you remember me." Levi gave her a soft smile.

" I don't really care about you, but, hows nii sama?" Lacie asked trying to change the subject.

" After the tragedy of Sablier, he's gone, but I think Glen's soul would be somewhere." Levi answered.

Lacie looked at the ground " Are you trying to find him?"

" Yes." Levi said shortly " I sent Doug and Fang to the first stone of seal."

" Are you going to kill me again after nii sama is back?" Lacie asked.

" I don't know~" Some voice sang from the back.

" Were you following us the whole time?" Lacie groaned " Break!"

" I was indeed!" Break grinned " And I was very curious of the ' experiment' you two were talking about."

" Hahaha!!" Levi laughed, and Lacie gave out a sigh.

" We can't tell you about this." Lacie said " None of your business!"

" Why not?" Levi and Break asked at the same time.

" Levi! You've done so much trouble, I don't want to deal with it any more!" Lacie yelled " Or do you want me to kill you?! I've hurt so many people already! I don't want to..." Lacie's last word was cut off my a thud, and Lacie fell to the ground.

" Sorry! I'd like to talk to you but my wife doesn't want that so I'll go!" Levi picked up Lacie and disappeared into the shadows.

" Hmmm." Break said " There is only one piece left in this."

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