"So was I." she countered under her breath.

I couldn't believe Harper was trying to dig deeper into this old feud with Mariah.

"I get that you were going through stuff but in retrospect; you were gaining a mate and basically becoming part of this pack, and she...well you'll have to talk to her to find out what's going on with her...but I promise you it's not good news."

She sighed, "I get it, but she should've felt comfortable enough with us, her best friends to open up instead of trying to push us away."

"Look, I get it...you're hurt she didn't come to you...but at the risk of coming off as the bitch, you did the exact same thing to all of us when Brax told you about Weres."

She blushed deeply.

As I pulled into the school parking lot I let out a sigh, "H, try and understand that people cope with things differently and no one way is the right way either."

The subject was left alone for the time being, we joined Tommy and soon after Patrick arrived.

"So what's everyone doing this weekend?" Patrick asked.

"Brax and I are going to the lake house this weekend you should join us." Harper sounded, "Ellie and Vance are going for sure and our friend Mariah might come as well."

I tried not to look at Patrick as she said this, too bad I could basically feel him staring a hole into the side of my head.

Luckily the bell rung.

"Elise, a word please."

Of course Tommy and Harper looked at us.

"I'm sure it can wait Patrick...we have classes to get to." I suggested.

"Everything okay?" Tommy asked.

Patrick nodded, "just loaned Elise some notes and she never returned them...I need them for a test we're having." He lied.

"Ooh sorry, they're in my locker...it'll have to wait until after school."

"If it's the test we're having in history I can lend you mine, now lets go before we're all late to class." Harper said matter of factly, once again she had unknowingly just given an order and the guys couldn't refuse her.

We all followed suit and went to our classrooms, but it was after class that Patrick cornered me in the hall, of course gaining a few on lookers in the process.

"Mariah's in town?"

I nodded.

"And you failed to mention this to me why?"

"Why Patrick I was under the impression that you didn't want to know about her because, how did you phrase it...she was just some chick." I said.

His eyes were full of anger, "I have every right to know where my mate's at and who she's with, I should have been the first person informed of her arrival."

At this I couldn't help but feel sorry for what I was about to say.

"But she isn't your mate Patrick, you rejected her."

He deflated a bit, and his anger subsided, in its place a look of sadness washed over him, "I-it would've been nice to know."

I nodded. "Look, you told me not to bring her up, and she's just trying to lay low for now."

He nodded, "Has she, ya know-"

"Asked about you?" I finished for him, "she was starting to this morning but my mom was in the room...I forgot to mention she's gonna be staying with my family for the time being."

He nodded, "I'm glad she'll be safe with you and your parents around...how's her mother doing?"

"As good as can be expected...no change really...but hey, you should come out this weekend, it might be good for both of you."

He seems to be contemplating it when a vaguely familiar girl walked by and winked at him, he smirked at her a little before he shook his head, "I'll think about it."

And with that he walked away leaving me wondering what the hell was up with him?

Here was the perfect opportunity to get to spend some one on one time with Mariah and he basically just threw it away. I just hoped with everything that he doesn't hurt my friend more than she already is..

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