Korosensei's visit

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After Nagisa's visit from Kumori, he was pretty shaken up, so much that he forgot about Korosensei coming to his class.  Of course, this was only until Korosensei sped up his garden path at Mach 20 and knocked on his door.  "C-come in!" He shouted to Korosensei.  He came in, and saw Nagisa kneeling on the floor, in a pool of his own blood.  "Nagisa, my boy!  What happened?"  Nagisa just lay there, he could hardly speak.  He felt like he was dying.  Korosensei helped him up, and healed him, using those magical tentacles of his.  "Th-thanks, K-korosensei.  I didn't th-think I would ever g-get up again..."

 Korosensei was wearing his normal, worried expression, but Nagisa could tell...  He was angry.  "My dear, dear Nagisa.  Who did this to you?" He saw Kumori's cheery yet psychotic smile.  He remembered her words, almost persuading him to kill, and he knew at that thought, that Korosensei had to know.  He needed to know, in case she succeeded, and he attempted murder.  Korosensei could help- Korosensei doesn't care.  Her words echoed in Nagisa's head.  You're wrong, Nagisa thought, He can help.  "Korosensei..." He began, how would he explain this?  He saw a flash of red light, and he found himself saying, "It doesn't matter, I just cut myself and tripped over, I'm so clumsy!"  Korosensei smiled, and the anger faded from his face.  Strange...  Nagisa thought, He can always tell when people are lying...

 "Well, let's go to this class of yours!" Korosensei said, "We haven't got all day, you know!"  Nagisa could swear he just saw the face of Kumori, smiling at him, but decided not to mention it, "Yeah.  Let's go."

Once he got there, Nagisa was greeted by Namiko, trying to stab him.  "Woah, bit early for assassination Namiko!" He laughed, dodging the blade, "I've barely had time to even wake up!"  Namiko returned the laughter, and said, "Yeah, but I thought you would be off guard!" He shrugged, and continued, "So...  Who's the octopus, alien, thing?"  Nagisa chuckled at Namiko's description of Korosensei, "This is Korosensei.  He was my teacher when I was your age."  He turned, and heard Hoshiko's voice, "A long, long, long time ago then, sir?"

 Nagisa mocked offence, "Hoshiko!  I'm not that old!"  Chikako appeared, a giant grin spreading across her face, "Not that far off though!"
"Far off what?"
"A century, obviously."
"Chikako...  I'm not an old man."
"Okay, you don't look like an old man."
"You look like an old woman"
"Chikako, you remind me so much of Ka- someone I used to know."
"Ka?  Isn't that an Egyptian ghost?"
"Be quiet."
"...time for class..."

Once Nagisa finally got into class and settled he students down, he introduced Korosensei.
"Well, I assume you've all noticed the yellow octopus sitting here," he grinned.
The class nodded in confirmation.
"Well, he was my teacher when I was your age."
"OH GOD!  HOW OLD IS HE!?" Hoshiko yelled, to a burst of laughter from the class.
"Yes, yes, Chikako already made that joke earlier.  Wait- You were there!"
The class laughed again.
"Okay, well he can introduce himself."
"Nurufufufu, hello class, you can call me Korosensei.  I'll be helping Nagisa teach today's lessons!"

After the day's lessons were over, Nagisa dismissed the class, and-

"AHAHAHA!!  Nagisa, where are you~"

"Wh-what was that?!" Nagisa shouted, but he wasn't fooling anyone.  He knew exactly who it was.  He knew that laugh, that psychotic laugh anywhere.  "E-everyone!  Get out, now!"
"Why?  Nagisa-sensei-"
"Now.  Please."

As the class evacuated, Nagisa walked outside, a facade of bravery masking his fear, and saw...

(HAHA I need to put some cliffhangers in my stories don't I? 😈)

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