First date

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After the reunion, Nagisa pulled Kayano to the side to ask her something: "Kayano, since we're, you know, going out now, I thought, maybe, we should go on a-"

Kayano yelled, so loudly that a passing young couple looked at them in confusion, "Erm, why are you so loud?" The girl asked​, "Is something happening?"
Kayano blushed, "Erm, no, it's just that-"
"Did he ask you on a date?" The boy asked.
"W-well, yes."
"Gee, how could I tell." He commented, sarcasm radiating from his words.
"So savage, Jason." The girl laughed.
"Are you being sarcastic Skyla?" Jason asked.
"Nooo, I would NEVER!"
Skyla giggled, and ran into his arms.  Jason caught her, spun her around, and kissed her.
I wish we could be like that... Kayano thought.

"Aaanyway," Skyla continued, blushing, "Good luck on your date!"
"Yeah" Jason smirked "If Yu-no what we mean."
"OH MY GOD JASON!!! I will strangle you!"
"Haha!  You'll have to catch me first!"
Skyla lunged at him, and Jason executed a sans-esque dodge. "Hey, that was a good dodge!" Nagisa exclaimed.  "Why thank you!" Jason replied, "Tibia honest, it was pretty good."

"ER MAH GAWD!" Skyla raged.
"Don't get triggered now, Sky."
"Okay, she's triggered." Jason chuckled, "Sure, sure, I'm sorry.  It was very root of me."
Kayano stared as Skyla ran at him, and (similarly to the first episode of Future Diary) kissed him.  In no surprise, Jason just laughed and threw her off, lovingly of course.

Kayano and Nagisa just stood and laughed at their lovingly​ violent relationship until they left. 
"Well, erm, that was... Something." Kayano was watching them in the distance, where she swore she could hear the words: 'Yu-no' and 'Uryuu sure?' And then angry yelling in Skyla's voice.  And then something like: "Be engulfed by the flames of darkness and DISAPPEAR!!!"

As soon as Nagisa and Kayano started walking, they realised that they hadn't decided where to go yet. 
"There's a pretty good place nearby, but the ramen's horrible." Kayano suggested.
"But Sugino's got his own restaurant up here." Nagisa added, "Then again, he could just report back to Korosensei for more shipping material!"
"Hmm...  There's this really cool couples' café on Acorn Street!  What about there?" Kayano blushed, "But it's really romantic and kinda soppy."
"Meh, let's just go." Nagisa​ decided.

Once they got there, they saw Skyla and Jason, kissing and holding hands across the table.
Should, should I hold her hands? Nagisa thought.  But, before he could do anything, Kayano grabbed his hands!  Blushing as red as Karma's hair, Kayano whispered, "I love you Nagisa."
"I-I love you too Kayano." Nagisa felt himself blushing almost as much as Kayano.
"EEEEE!!!" They turned, and heard a fangirling​ squeal from the next table.  "Sorry," Skyla apologised, a sheepish look on her face, "It's just that you two are such a cute couple and..."
Jason joined in with this part: "THE SHIPS ARE REEEAAAALL!!!"
They heard a third voice squealing, and saw someone else passing the café.  "EEE! I ship it sooo hard!!!"
"Erm, Author-chan, what are you doing here?" Nagisa asked. 
Nagisa groaned, "Go back to writing fanfiction, author-chan."
"Okay. ;-;"

"See you Eye of the wicked lord!" Skyla called, "So anyway, where were we..?"
"NOWHERE!" Kayano and Nagisa yelled.
"Okay, okay, we'll stop." Jason murmured reluctantly.
"URGH fine." Skyla groaned.
"THANK you." Nagisa said, satisfied, "Now, where were we..?"

After the date, Kayano and Nagisa were walking hand in hand towards Kayano's house (since Nagisa's house got destroyed in Karma's first attack) when Nagisa heard 'bye bye yesterday' -his text tone- play in his pocket.  He looked, to see a WhatsApp notification from Nakamura.  I think you'll like these pictures. What could that mean- He saw a bunch of pictures of him and Kayano at the café.  Kayano looked, and turned red with embarrassment.


A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now