The reunion

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In the middle of class, Nagisa was giving a lecture on Japanese, and got a text message. The class all laughed, since their teacher had gotten a text in the middle of class, and Nagisa went red.  "Who could that be..?" He thought.
Hi, it's Kayano.  I was just wondering if I could come to your classroom tomorrow, just as a reunion, is it okay with you?
Nagisa went redder.  Kayano had texted him!  She wanted to come to his assassination classroom.
Nagisa replied with one word: Sure!

"Are you okay sir? You've gone red!"
Namiko was looking at him with concern.  "Oh! Namiko-" He composed himself, "It's nothing, just... An old friend."
"Oh! That's okay then!"
"Hmm... A 'friend' huh... You wouldn't happen to 'like' this person, would you sir?" Said Hoshiko, a Karma-like grin on his face.
"What? N-no!"
He is so much like Karma...  Nagisa thought.
"OMG! He does!" Squealed Chikako.
And there's my Nakamura.
"Okay, okay.  Maybe, but she's coming to visit tomorrow.  So be on your best behaviour alright? And..." Nagisa's flustered face faded into a grin, "Your best assassination attempts."
"Okay!" The class chorused, pulling out their guns and proceeding to shoot at him.
Their bloodlust never wanes...  Thought Nagisa, flawlessly dodging each and every bullet.

Once Nagisa got home, he sighed in relief.  Kayano hadn't forgotten about him!  He couldn't believe it!  Wait...  Did Kayano even know about his assassination classroom?  Ah well, another surprise for her when she arrived...

I love you Kayano...

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now