Karma's feelings

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Whilst Kayano and Nagisa thought about each other, Karma too was thinking about someone. Someone he thought he would never see again. Nagisa.
"Why can't I stop thinking about him?!" Karma complained to himself, "Why is he stuck in my head!?!?" He tried to forget about it, after all, Nagisa had a life of his own to live out.
They weren't in E class anymore.

But, try as he might, he couldn't shake the image of Nagisa's face from his mind. What was this feeling? Could he possibly be-
That was impossible! He couldn't be, could he? "I'm not!" He said to himself, " I am not!" Deep down, he knew that it was true. But he denied any thought of it. Nagisa was-
Well, what was he? He was an assassin, a teacher and a loyal friend. But he was also slightly frightening.

Karma had seen Nagisa fight Takaoka.  And there was no other word to describe him: terrifying. He had used the insta-kill move on Takaoka, and proceeded to end the battle with the expression that he, apparently, had used to cause Takaoka to go insane. So Karma couldn't be...
He was.
He was in love with Nagisa.

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now