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Kayano was confused.  After her visit to Nagisa's assassination classroom, all she could think about was the child she had met: who was she?  She remembered her, yet the memory was hazy, like a-

A dream.

That was where she knew the child from!  And their name, she knew it, yet when she tried to speak it, all that came out of her mouth was static.  Nami __i__a.  Her last name was on the tip of her tongue, but she just couldn't remember!  Nami...  Where had she heard that name before..?  

Suddenly, a knock on the door derailed Kayano's train of thought.  "Wh-who's there?" She called, startled.  "It's Nagisa! Pl-please, let m-me in!" Kayano rushed to the door, worried, to find Nagisa stumbling inside, wounded and panting.  "Wha-what happened!  Are you okay! Oh my god who did this?  When I find them-" Nagisa stumbled onto her couch, and collapsed. He looked tired; what had happened to him?!  "Ka-Kayano? Are you st-still there..?"                                                              "Always! I'll always be here for you Nagisa!" Cried Kayano  "Never forget that!"  

Without warning, they heard a loud banging on the door!  "Oh god! it's him! Kayano, whatever you do, don't answer it, okay?!" Nagisa warned, as the knocking got louder and louder.  It seemed like the door was about to shatter into pieces.  "I'll get in anyway, why bother trying to stop me?"  Kayano and Nagisa both knew that voice well, that cocky tone to his speaking, and there was only one person who it could belong to.  Kayano couldn't believe her ears: how could it be him?  No.  It was him...

Karma Akabane.

"You never give up, do you Kayano?  Fine.  Have it your way. I didn't want it to come to this, but..."  There was a loud bang, and the door gave way.  Sure enough, there stood Karma, a cocky grin on his face; he looked almost normal. 


The look in his eyes was, well, it was frightening.  His face seemed the same as ever...  But his eyes, they looked as if he had- "No... Nonono!  Karma!  You didn't!" Kayano and Nagisa both recognised part of the look; the other part, they could get to later.  For now...  Kayano and Nagisa exchanged glances, they knew all too well what that look meant:

He had grown tentacles!

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now