The end class.

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Nagisa and Kayano looked at each other in distress and confusion. Why Karma? Of all people! But, before Kayano could think about it properly, Nagisa ran into her arms, sobbing. "N-never leave me K-Kayano! I l-love you! With all my heart! I-if you had died, I-I would have..." Kayano interrupted, Nagisa's cries filling her with empathy, "I never will! No-one can tell you otherwise! Nagisa, W-will you-" She paused, looking for the right way to put it, but she didn't have to think for long, because Nagisa interrupted this time: "St-stay with me forever... K-Kaede." Nagisa had used her first name. She couldn't believe it!

Nagisa walked over to Kayano, and kissed her. It felt, for her, like the entire world, all the pain, hate, past and future had disappeared. There was only here and now.

Her and Nagisa.

Pulling them back into reality, Nagisa's phone rang. Embarrassed, he answered, only to hear the voice of Professor Jelovitch coming from the other side! "Hello? You there?"


"Okay, listen up kid. Me and Ta- Karasuma have decided that all you brats should have some sort of reunion, so we're all at class E now, and you, Kayano and Karma are the only ones missing! Get over here as soon as you can, okay?"

"S-sure! Me and Kayano will be over soon, okay?"

"You'd better be, you brats-" Nagisa heard the familiar voices of Sugino and Karasuma-sensei from the other end of the line. And then the noises of the phone being dragged away from the original caller. He laughed, and hung up.

After he and Kayano arrived, they got a friendly greeting from everyone (Not including Professor Jelovitch, as she was sulking that Karasuma took her phone off her). For the first few minutes, they enjoyed themselves, and laughed and joked like old times. But soon, Nakamura got suspicious as to why Karma hadn't turned up yet.  "Hey, Nagisa?"
"Where's Karma?  There's prime mischief to be made her and I can't do it alone!"
Nagisa sighed at Nakamura's reasoning, and then remembered where Karma actually was.
Recollection flashed in his eyes as he remembered what Karma had done, and he shivered.  Nakamura noticed his shiver, but ignored it.
"Hello?  Earth to Nagisa!  Where is he?"
"Erm...  Well, he-"
"Cut to the chase already!"
"Yeah, I-I was wondering t-too!" Okuda had just joined the conversation, looking worried. 
Suddenly, a bright light flooded the room, it's brilliant white rays filling every inch of the classroom.  "What the-" Nagisa cried, as he covered his eyes to prevent damage.  But he was cut off by Yuzuki Fuwa yelling "Hey you guys!  Do any of you know what this is?"
"Huh- No, I've never seen it before." Kayano said, "Nagisa, do you know?"
"No, let's see...". Nagisa bent over to look at the strange object, and gasped in surprise!

It was a picture of the entire end class (Korosensei included) messing around on camera, but none of them remembered taking anything like it before.  So what could it be..? 

Another flash of light, and the picture had changed.  The words 'the end class' had been written on the top of it, and...
Karma had been crossed out.
Okuda and Nakamura gasped, and the rest of the class just looked confused.  "Wait a minute...  Look on the back!" Fuwa yelled.  Sure enough, on the back, there was writing, it read as follows:

When a teacher loved by all is killed by his own students, but one boy turns traitor and throws his life away for his beloved, fate itself will look away and allow the greatest miracle to become reality.  The innermost wish of every student will be granted, as long as their willingness is shared.

"Wha- oh." A pained look came over  Nakamura.  "One boy turns traitor.  Karma isn't here.  He's crossed out on the picture.  That could mean only one thing."
Okuda gasped, and replied, slowly "Oh Karma, what did you do..?"  The class shuffled, because they all knew that Okuda had loved Karma from the start.  Kayahashi moved forward and tried to comfort her.  "But, 'throws his life away for his beloved' means it couldn't be him!  We never knew if Karma liked anyone, and he would never throw his life away!  He's just not that kind of person!" 
"I-I guess...  You're right.  But, 'the innermost wish of every student will be granted'.  What does that mean?"
The class were confused, because most of them didn't know what their 'innermost wish' was.  But Nagisa knew perfectly well what his was.   "Everyone?  I think I know what it means.  It means we all get one wish shared between us."
"What should we wish for though?  10000000000 yen?" Terasaka asked.
"Close.  But I'll tell you what mine would be.  Why did you think it mentions a teacher?"
As realisation dawned on each of them, they wished in unison. 

Hundreds, maybe thousands of yellow orbs appeared, and floated in the air, swirling in a glowing, golden tornado.  They formed the shape of a crescent moon, and suddenly burst open, spreading a bright fog across the room.  They suddenly heard a familiar laugh, and turned to face the source of the noise...

"Nurufufufufu, hello again class!"

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now