Assassination classroom 2.0

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Years after the events of assassination classroom, Nagisa was sitting at his desk at break time, marking papers, when, out of nowhere, Uta (one of his pupils) ran into the room holding a knife! He swung at Nagisa with all his might, all with a grin on his face. But Nagisa knew better. He could see the bloodlust hiding behind Uta's smile, but surprise attacks won't work on him!

Nagisa ducked under Uta's knife and grabbed him. He held his pupil to the wall and politely asked: "What is it Uta?"
The bloodlust fading from his face, he answered: "I'm sorry for bothering you sir, but I need help with this maths work," he held up his textbook "does this number go here,or does-"
"No, just do this, and..."

After a while, Uta closed his book and said: "I think I get it now! Thanks Mr Shiota!"
"No problem! Come to me anytime you need help, okay?"
"Okay sir, bye!"
"Bye Uta!"
Uta left the classroom, and Nagisa sighed. This job was so fun, and the kids were so nice...

So why was there something pulling him back? He remembered what Kaede Kayano, his old schoolfriend had told him. "Once I start on something I enjoy, I just keep on rolling, you know?" Why couldn't he do that? He imagined Kayano's face, and sighed. Why couldn't he just-
"Sir! Is everything okay?"
Suzuki had just walked into the room to do some extra Science work. Nagisa realised he was blushing and quickly composed himself.
"Yes, I'm fine." It was nothing to worry about, was it? It must have just been nostalgia, right?

Everything was okay. He was happy with his life, so why..?

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now