(27)My Tavernier Diamond

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I shook my head; the fear of him lying too great.

"Look at me!" I lifted my chin and fixed him with cold eyes. Thanatos looked broken and that caused the mask of no emotion to slip from my face.

"You didn't touch her?"

"No, I promise." His voice was soft, low and gentle.

I licked my lips and looked down to my mud covered sandals and back up into his adoring eyes.

Thanatos eyes lingered on mine, until something caught his eye; the black blood. I stilled- our moment passed as his rage returned, but this time even more explosive; "What the fuck is that?"

He grabbed me by the arm, the sub falling from my grip and onto the floor with a splat. I tried to pull away but he wasn't a Fury- he was much more powerful.

"I got into a little tussle..."

"What happened? Are you okay?" He twisted me around in his arms, examining every inch of me. He tucked his hand under the back of my knee and lifted my leg up to investigate my scratched ankle. It was covered with some dried blood. He ran a gloved finger over the marks, which caused me to hiss softly in pain.

"We need to get this disinfected." He lifted his eyes and clamped his hands onto my cheeks. I felt like a chipmunk as his eyes bore into mine with earnest- he was being uncharacteristically motherly. It was scary; "You look like a mess, baby, and I mean that in the nicest possible way..."

"You should see the other guys..." I chuckled, but Thanatos didn't find it too amusing.

"Guys? Plural?"


"Uh... There were two Furies in the park, and they weren't exactly friendly."

Thanatos closed his eyes and took in a deep breath to calm himself. I waited patiently for the hurricane.

"Tell me everything, from the start till now."

And so I did- I told him about how the portal shot me out into an alley and how I made my way to the park. I told him about how I chipped the one fury's fang and burnt the other's wings. How I decapitated the one and lured in the other and drove a burning stake through its heart with next to no magic left in my system.

By the end Thanatos was frozen and hardly breathing. His grip on my wrist had gotten so hard that I could feel the blood struggle to move its way into my hand. If those Furies happened to still be alive, there was no way Thanatos would let them stay that way.

He looked like he was about to torch the supermarket with no more than his glare.

"And then I ran here, wherever here is..." I looked around still slightly dazed from the lack of energy and the pure exhaustion.

Thanatos didn't move a muscle.

I gulped, the strained silence making me nervous; "But I'm fine now!" I attempted to laugh a bit to lighten the mood, but quickly stopped as he titled his head slightly, as if daring me to continue.

I didn't.

He unclenched his jaw with some effort; his voice far too calm to be natural; "Why didn't you use the portal-summoner I gave you?"

I blinked.

Oh, shit. I forgot about that.

"I...uh... forgot."

Thanatos curtly nodded his head once; "You forgot?"


"You took out two Furies, alone."

Thanatos: The Blue Dawnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن