Chapter 9

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Roses pov (three days later)

Toby and I finished up the last floor board in the house, and lay down on the newly replaced bullshit. "So... How have you been?" I asked the twitching boy. He sighed loudly, looking at me behind his orange goggles, I reached over and moved them over onto his forhead. "I like to see your eyes you prick," I said smiling. He chuckles, "and I-I'd like to s-see your tits but we d-don't get what we want, n-now do we?" I punched him in the head and rolled over into my belly. "pervert," I said and stuck out my tongue. He sat up and put his goggles back over his eyes, twitching. Today was  the day the other dealers move in. the are bringing in their own shit, we are just supplying the head stands, boards, and dressers. they have to bring everything else.

I sit up and walk to the Kitchen "Hey, do you want something to drink?!" I shout. "No," I hear faintly, I say okay to myself. And Take the boiling water off the Pit and make myself some coffee. I walk back into the room and see him stand up, "I-it's getting late. your buddies will be here soon. I frowned, "I-I-it's okay R-Rose. I'll v-visit again when I t-think I'm ready to m-meet everyo-one." he bent down and picked up the hatchet that we had used as a hammer and I took off his glasses and put the on my face, the obviously slipped off and moved down to my neck, Toby chuckled before having a major twitch, cracking his neck. ow... He popped a few more time and he looked at the door and continued walking. I wish I had that fucking disorder or whatever it was. Would be nice to not feel pain.

We walked to the door, and when I opened it I froze, while Toby froze as much as he could. I looked up and turned pale, Jay was standing right there with Gabriel and the three other guys moving in. shit. "Rose, who is this?" he said, anger slowly building up on his voice. "o-oh, Jay... this is a friend of mine, the guy from the asylum... you know. the guy that helped me escape.." he only glared at Toby,  and nodded. Toby waved and bent down and kissed my head, all the sudden I heard a thud, along with a loud crack. I spun around, "Toby!"

Jay had him pinned against the wall and punched him in the face  "Don't you touch her you freak!"
'rose dont you dare...' Marcos voice said, but my body insisted on moving. Gabriel grabbed me by the arm roughly, Trying to keep me away from the two boys. I yanked my arm away from him and pried off Jay from Toby. "Stop it!" I shouted, "Don't you dare touch him again, Jay." Tears filled my eyes and I grabbed Tobys face, his nose was broken, and he had a few  bruise and cuts. "fuck, Toby. Go, I'll meet you at the same place as last time... just treat everything before you get an infection." He just said okay and got up, kisses my head like he was going to, and left with a straight face and shot a glare at Jay, grabbed him by the collar and whispered something into his ear before leaving again. Shoving pass Gabriel who blocked the door.

I stomped up to Jay as he looked away, grabbed him by the shirt, and head butted him. Grabbing the side of his head by the hair I pushed down to the side, causing him to hit the floor with a thud. I locked his side and sat on him, and punched him in the face.  I grabbed him by his shirt and looked him square in the eye, "after everything I did for you're pitiful sorry, drug addict ass. You dare hurt someone I care about? I should have never allowed you in here. You are a creep, a fucking druggie, and a dumbass who let's his feelings get the best of him." I banged his head onto the floor. "Don't fuck up again. Or I will cut your head off myself and hang it up on MY walls. Right above the fire place."

Jays pov

I looked up at rose, her eyes full of anger and my face and head full of pain. "Don't fuck up again. Or I will cut your head off myself and hang it up on MY walls. Right above the fire place." She got off of me and lit a cigarette on her way out. I stood up and walked to the room and moved my stuff, "you two will sleep in the room to the right... Gabriel and I will take the left." I walk into the room and lay down, tears threatening to fall. I heard the sound of a bag and the door close, and the weight shifted on the bed. "you know Jay, maybe we should've just turned her in... I mean. The kid is crazy. She is 15 and was in a mental asylum, manage to break out AND stage her death..." I sit up and look at Gabriel. The 46 year old man was was as fit as always. "but that's why we need her, she won't be suspected-" "We don't need her. The only reason I kept her alive was mainly for you," a deep sigh escaped his lips. He moved closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I'll leave a gun on my next trip to town. I want you to see if you can end the pain and misery, for your own good." With that he stood up and walked out. I see a figure move from the corner of my eye and I look at the window, seeing it was slightly open. I stood up and walked over, and shut it. locking the window. He's right. I need to end the suffering, no matter how much pain it may cause me in the beginning.

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