chapter 11

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Jeff pov

  I looked at Rose as she said my name, the light showed her face as she smiled. Suddenly it morphed into one of shock and terror. Her grip faltered and she let out a small yelp as she quickly grabbed ahold of the lamp before it fell. "Holy shit." I heard her say underneath her breath. She looked back up at me and took a deep breath, "Some face you got there." She chuckled and placed the lantern on a old small table and sat down on a chair next to it.

I walked up to her and leaned on the creaky table, "that's it?" I say. She shrugs. "I've seen a faceless being, a smiling dog, and even a few dead people is the process of decaying. I was just a little startled." I furrowed by eyebrows. Oh really.... "Any questions?" I asked. She leaned her head back in thought. The glow of the candlelight showing some dirt along her neck. "How long ago did you do that to yourself?" she asked breaking the silence.  "When I was 13, so six years ago. But I only did the eyes and the smile. The rest was from a little... Accident." she stood up and placed herself infront of me, the light eliminated the right side of her face. Her eye showing a solid color of blue. "They seem as if you cut your cheeks more then once," she said. I sighed. "I wanted to keep the open cut but... It proved difficult because I couldn't drink or eat anything right." "oh," was all she said. She looked at my lips. They used to be a thin bright red. But now they went back to their normal shape with a very pail color to them to go along with the rest of my face. "Take a picture it'll last longer," I growled. "Says the one who has been stalking me lately." she tilted her head.

We looked into eachothers eyes for a while. I scanned her face, looking for any sign of fear. I couldn't find a single one. And it honestly pissed me the fuck off. I grabbed her neck roughly, "why don't you tell me, Rose... Why you always look so brave and tough. When really inside you have a fear that you try so hard not to let show." she grimaced as my breath hit her face, likely from the lack of brushing my teeth for the past week or two, and I turned her around and pushed her onto the table as she leaned back. My hand tightened and she bite her lip as a small moan escaped from them. "Oh, you like it rough?" I turned her so her back was towards me and I bent her over by her back, grabbing her arm and having it between her shoulder blade. I bent over her, pressing my self against her. A small gasp escaped as I put one of my hands in her hair and pulled as I used my elbow to keep her down. "How about I show you a little pain." she let out a heavy breath showing in the air how cold it was.

I slam her head into the table, causing a loud thud to run throughout the cellar. She let out a groan and I pulled her head back again but she kept herself up and from falling. This woke up smile and caused him to bark. I looked back at him, "shut it you-" I am cut off and suddenly I am thrown to the ground and a small body straddles mine and punches me in the face. "How about YOU shut it..." I looked up at her. Roses eyes weren't viable thanks to the lighting. But I could tell she was angry. I grabbed her hair and she screamed, causing smile to bark again and try to snap at me. I shoved him away with my arm and he whimpered. I get another blow to the temple and get pushed up against the wall. I feel another punch to my jaw, then a hand wrapped around my throat. "Don't fucking hit your dog like that!" I spit in her face. "He is MY dog. Not yours." she whips off the spit aggressively and slams my head into the wall. A grunt escapes from my lips. "Too bad," Rose said, "I honestly thought you where quite cute despite your appearance. I thought we would've been great friends!" she punches me in the jaw again and I chuckle. "Then prove you little whore."

Suddenly, I feel something I haven't left in such a very long time. So long I barely faintly remember the feeling of lips against mine....

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