Chapter 3

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I sat in my cell in silence. With Marco explaining the plan Toby made over again. 'Don't go near the windows, don't let anyone out because it'll put you at risk of getting caught. We will leave after lights out so then we only need to get past five security guards after then. We go east and Toby will go west, his friends can't know that he is helping you out or they will kill you. After you escape... Meet him at the abandoned Theater tomorrow morning at 8. Remember to go alone..." I sighed. 'I hope everything goes according to plan.' I thought.

"Everything will be fine, Rose," Marco said, "Nothing will go wrong, I promise." I smiled, wishing I could hold and hug the voice in my head- although he had no physical form. "Thank you," I whispered. He didn't reply. I stared at the padded wall across from me- it was torn and cut from my previous successes to get free of the jacket... Each time they made it tighter. I looked down and slightly moved my arms around so the camera couldn't detect the movement, in return my arms get slightly more freedom and the ability to move. Slowly, I move myself into the corner and fall asleep.

A few hours past and I awoken up by one of the guards, "hey, it's time for dinner." I furrow my brows at him looking into his dark Grey eyes in confusion. Normally they won't wake you up, He helped me stand up by my arm, the sudden jerk caused me to gasp and whimper. His dark grey eyes meet mine and only seemed to get darker, before softening a few seconds later along with his grip. He looked away and guided me out of my cell and down the maze of halls to the cafeteria.... The walk in complete silence. When we arrived at the cafeteria he lead me to my normal spot in front of Toby as the man undid my jacket for the short period of time. When I sat down I could feel the guards eyes on me for a few seconds before he walked away. I looked up at Toby only to see him glaring at the man and shooting daggers at him as he walked away to his post. I kicked him and he looks at me "ow?" he said looking at me.

Toby's Pov

As rose was sat down I looked at the mans hands as he undid the buckles from the corner of my eye. His hands slightly shaking as if he was afraid to hurt her by doing something wrong, before he walked away he stared at her for a few seconds before he walked away. I looked at him and glared. His name was Brock. Apparently a new addition to the asylum. I've seen him around for the past month but I thought he was just a reporter or something. He seemed focused on Rose for some reason. Making sure she was safe. I guess when he saw she wasn't here for dinner he went to go get her.

While I was thinking of possible things the man had in mind for her I felt a nudge on my leg and I looked at Rose, "ow?" I said. She giggled, "eat." she said while starting to eat the mush they called food.

She eats 3 to 4 bites before sitting back in her chair. "... Rose you need to eat." she shook her head, "No I'm fine." I leaned in and whispered, "you need to eat to have the energy to escape. Just eat around the pill bits." she looks down and sighs before continuing to eat. I smiled and lean back into my chair and finish my food and what's left of Roses' food. If you don't eat it all you get a beating for wasting food and supplement. I don't need her sore for the next few days and me having to leave her behind.

Rose's pov

We go back to our cells after dinner. And its lights out at 9:45. I sit in silence... As I hear the halls slowly becoming more empty. I know it is 5 minutes until 10. The small beeps of doctors clocking out and nurses following behind.

Becoming impatient I start to tap my foot and look at the camera. With the red dot visible. "Come on..." I whispered. "Hurry up..."
Not much time passes and I see the red dot shut off. My eye widened.

I stood up and ran for the door as it opened. Toby helped me out of my jacket and gave me a quick hug and wished me luck. I smiled and ran to the west side of the hall words the stairs. Going as fast as I can I skip steps going down and make a sprint for the back doors. I looked at the clock by the window in the waiting room. 10:05 I sighed and pushed open the door expecting the alarm to go off but thankfully it didn't. I run across the yard seeing bodies laying across the ground. I stop and get one of their belts, flashlight and gun before jumping the electric fence and ran words the woods. In the distance I heard police sirens getting closer to the asylum. Hearing distant gun shots... I keep running into the woods... Praying and hoping Toby stays safe.

Toby's POV

I run out the front door in a rush, I look around as I make my way across the lawn towards the gates. My feet hitting the gravel on the road. I see a light from the corner of my eye, "freeze!" I heard a voice say. My eyes widen and i turn around to see a guard, I turn back around to be greated with another. Shit... they pull up a gun and aim it and I pull my arms over my head, "get down on the ground now." I sigh and get on my knees as cops pull up and get closer, once he gets behind me and pulls out his handcuffs I grab his wrist and twist it, pulling him in front of me and use him as a shield as he screams in pain. I use my spare hand to grab his gun and aim it at his head. "P-put down y-your weapons or i-i'll shoot." The men look at each other and drop the gun and I chuckle. Slowly standing up then throwing the cop to one of the guards and shooting the other as another cop steps out and fired at me. First bullet missing and the other entering my side. I hiss knowing that it might slow me down. I shoot the cop then move back and dodge a bullet from the one remaining cop and guard. They both fire after me as I shoot. Missing the first few shots. Then finally... they both fall to the ground dead.... I sigh and grab my side and make my way into the woods. Hoping no one follows me and grasping the gun... I didn't want to do this anymore....

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