chapter 4

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I haven't slept since I escaped and heard the gunshots... I was worried sick for Toby. I had waited a few hours looking for tobys' things where he said they were the previous night and found then at around 1 in the morning. Which left me 7 hours to walk to the meet place... 20 miles of walking and high chance of being caught due to a research team being out.

I sigh and pick up the shovel places next to the tree and start digging next to it. Around 30 Minutes pass and I finally hit a hard service. The thunk being low and I smile. I jump down into the pit and shovel as much dirt as possible before tieing a rope to the edge and hoisting it up and out of the pit. Dirt rolled off it as I swipe me hand across the trunk. 'Ew... dusty' I think. "Well no shit," i hear Marcos voice say. I groan. "You smartass," I say aloud. I hear him chuckle and I sigh and put my plungers against the latch. I break it and open the trunk to see cloths and weapons. All of which were covered in dirt from what little bit slipped though, I groan and pick up a shirt and shake off the dirt.

I look down at them to see a Mouth guard, Goggles, jeans, shoes thrown into a bag with socks, and a rather off looking hoodie. I brush off my confusion and put them in a bag, carrying the two hatchets in my hands as I walk around the forest. A a few hours pass and I find a stream. 'follow it up stream' said Marco. I was about to ask why before he just told me to shut up and do it. I took my eyes and walk upstream. rocks and twigs hitting my feet. Pinching and damn near breaking my skin. after a few hours of walking I see a very dull path, seeing as if made by deer.

'turn into it, and head straight for another half hour. you'll be in the center of the woods by a clearing and will find a small cabin that has been abandoned.' I stopped walking, "how do you know that?" I asked. 'I just do. now go.' I did as he said and continued on with the path. I looked up. it must have been around 3 in the morning by now. time passed and I saw the clearing... but above it was a chopper. I ducked as a searching swept over the area and it flew on. after five minutes I stood up, and continued on. Not before long I came across the Cabin. I looked at it in wonder. it was rather big... had a few obvious holes and broken windows but those could be touched up pretty quickly.

I walked around it, the roof seemed to have a large hole in it... it had a nice porch, and a few iron bars on the outside of a few of the Windows. I smile slightly... I might be able to make this work. I push open the old rottening door, and it creaked rather loudly. I look down, the floorboards decent besides a few missing, few broken, and a few dead rats here and there. I sighed. This will be a Fixer-upper... I walk in, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. I pick up a table and put it upright then put Tobys bag on it and continued walking around. This place... is perfect. I smiled and looked outside. the sun was rising. "Shit!" I shout as I rush outside and grab the bag on my way out. and followed the sun towards the abandoned theater near town.


I walked into the Theater room. it was large, dusty, and smelt of mold. I coughed and covered my nose with my shirt from the asylum. I slowly walked up into the stage, the curtains old and dusty, dull even with light coming in through the roof. I walked around i started to hum a song my mother always played, a French song sung by The Singing Nun. at the end of the humming I began singing. and slowly became louder.

"Dominique, nique
Nique s'en allait tout simplement
Routier pauvre et chantant
En tous chemins, en tous lieux
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu

A l'e poque ou Jean-sans-Terre
De' Angleterre etait Roi
Dominique, notre Pere
Combattit les Albigeois

Dominique, nique, nique
S'en allait tout simplement
Routier pauvre et chantant
En tous chemins, en tous lieux
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu
Il ne parle que du bon Dieu..."

all the sudden I heard clapping- cutting me off from the rest of the song that I knew by heart. A song that held oh so sweet Irony in the meaning now.

"v-very well done, r-rose," I smiled. Toby. "I have n-no i-idea what it m-means, but well d-done." he walks up to the stage and jumps on it and hugs me. his twitching form made it hard to give him hugs at first... but as time passes you get used to the feeling and the sounds of his bones popping. All the sudden I felt something... warm. I look down and see a red stain on his shirt. I automatically start freaking out. But I stopped after he reminded me he can't feel pain and told me he will fix it up as soon as he is able to since he already took out the bullet. He laughed and pulled up a bag, and held it in front of my face. It looked like a camping bag... he gave it to me and told me to open it.

I hesitated before doing so. when I opened it I saw cloths, water, flashlights and batteries, and some cans good along with a few hunting knifes, water bottles hanging off the sides and matches with some lighterfluid.. I looked up at him, my eyes wide, "how did you-" he shushed me by covering my mouth. "that isn't important. I have more stuff out side, a tent, sleeping bag, pillow, a blanket, and some hunting supplies. you'll have to stay on the move. they'll suspect you are dead and got eaten by wolfs if you stage it correctly." I nodded and handed him his bag, "go change... in case any thing happens we should look like a couple camping."

he nodded and went off to the corner of the room and I went being the old dusty curtain. I pulled out everything carefully and grabbed out a pair of jeans, socks, the only pair of boots, and a black tanktop with a dark green flannel with a hoodie attached to it. I put everything else back and quickly got ready.

I stepped out and looked at Toby as I picked up the bag and put it over my shoulder. "let us get going then... I'll be showing you where I'll be staying. I need help with carrying everything anyway." he smiled and grabbed my dirty clothes. "w-we will be needing these" he said. we walked outside and I grabbed what I could and he took the rest. We walked to the cabin and fixed up the place a bit, fixed the tables, chairs, and got rid of all the spiders and webs...

I looked over at Toby, who was now sleeping on the sleeping bag in the living room by the fireplace... I grabbed the pillow and blanket and put it over him and put the pillow under his head, before kissing it softly. "thank you for everything..." I said. I laid down next to him and fell into a rather peaceful sleep...

Hey guys! how is it so far? make sure to leave a comment on your thoughts and requests in the comments.

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