Chapter 2 : New home

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Aphmau and Garroth were walking back to Phoenix Drop, you were still in Garroths arms and your scythe in Aphmaus hands. Both of them heard a small cough from you they stopped and looked at you Garroth looking down at you. You started coughing harder, your already red cheeks got more red from each cough. "They're getting worse and worse by the second, we have to get to Phoenix Drop faster !" Aphmau said half worried half-serious Garroth nodded at that,
and then they started running, you still in Garroth arms more careful not to drop you (get it to drop you and  Phoenix drop ok ..... I'll stop XD). Aphmau and Garroth entered the gates of the village and ran through the plaza, people visiting and people of the village mainly looking at you in Garroth's arms and just wondering who you are and what's wrong. Aphmau and Garroth ran up aphmau' s
stairs to her house.


(Her house is in the background couldn't find a good picture;~;)-----------------------------------------Aphmau opened the front door once they got to the top of the stairs of her house and her room, they got in and went to Aphmaus room, aphmau sa...

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(Her house is in the background couldn't find a good picture;~;)
Aphmau opened the front door once they got to the top of the stairs of her house and her room, they got in and went to Aphmaus room, aphmau sat your scythe against the wall. They took your shoes off and your cape and hood. They were amazed at how beautiful you looked, with your silky (H/l) (H/c) hair, and porcelain skin, and doll-like face. But with enough at looking at your beauty. Aphmau pulled the cover back on her bed far enough for Garroth to lay you down. Garroth laid you down pulled the covers back over you, to where it was under your chin. Aphmau went back downstairs to the kitchen and got a white washcloth and a medium-sized bowl and filled it with water, and put the washcloth in the cold water. She went back up the stairs to her room, she set the bowl of cold water on her nightstand and picked up the white washcloth out of the cold water. She placed it on your head gently, to not wake you up. I'll go get Donna, she will know how to take care of them. Garroth looking over at Aphmau who nodded and he went to go get Donna.
Garroth ran down the steps from Aphmaus's house to the plaza. "Donna ! Lady Aphmau needs your help! ".He said yelled running to Donna and Logan in front of their stand. "My Irene Garroth! You almost gave me a heart attack! "Donna said turning around from her husband Logan, and turning to Garroth and putting a hand to her chest over her heart. "Sorry Donna! But Lady Aphmau needs you with our new visitor! They are very sick! " Garroth said almost out of breath. "You mean the person you were caring for here"? Donna asked. Garroth nodded. "Well! When I first saw them I could tell by their red cheeks they were sick! Lead the way Garroth! "Garroth darted to run back to Aphmau 's house with Donna behind him.
Aphmau was sitting by you, beside her bed in a stool she got from downstairs from the kitchen table. Then she heard the front door open, and running up the stairs and the Garroth with Donna close behind him. Aphmau stood up from her seat."Thank Goodness for your here Donna! ". Aphmau said thankfully. "Yes I came as fast as Garroth told me the problem, and by the looks of it he or she is not doing so well! "Donna said worried as she walked up to Aphmau's bed to take a look at you. She felt your cheek and could tell it was a very high fever, like fire.  (this girl is on fire sorry ) She could also tell you had some type of magic, very strong magic, the magic she's never sensed before, not even Aphmau the Irene hand this power. "He has a high fever it's just a really bad cold,  and yes it's a he," Donna said looking at Aphmau who was still sitting in the chair by the bed. "Ok so we should get some medicine for him right away? Just how really bad is this cold? "Aphmau asked Donna worried. Bad considering the fact he has very strong magic. Donna answered. "Really ? I didn't sense any magic within him," Aphmau said confused. "Well that's just it. "Donna said ." What? What's just it? " Garroth asked. Donna opened her mouth and said the most surprising word they would ever hear.

He has very strong.......he's even past Aphmau!

End of chapter 2

Word count: 771

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