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People meet me,
And out of their mouths comes, curling,
Like black smoke, like the smell of filth,

They look at me and see a lack.
I cannot run, I cannot jump,
They cannot imagine living like me.
My life would not be enough for them.

I know what it is to fly, you know.
To feel the impact on hooves on earth,
To sit back, to take a deep breath,
And lift off.

I have lived so many lives,
Fictional, real, unimportant, great.
Kings and students, sorcerers and mothers.
All wrapped around me like a patchwork quilt a lifetime in the making.

I have so much that is precious.
The love of friends, family, pets.
A rock, a constant, always.
So much love that sometimes I am overwhelmed by the treasure of it.

How dare you say that I am not enough.
My brain, my spine, my legs.
My life.
So much more than enough.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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