Passing-through School or Baker Pt. 2

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This was supposed to be a passing-through school.
A single year of mediocrity before leaving for a better place.
A brief stop at my family's school, and then three years of independence.
But I'm getting attached to this place.

I'm getting attached to the ridiculous junior-senior war.
I'm getting attached to the huge pep rallies, the school pride.
I'm even getting attached to the supposedly mediocre teachers.
Can I really leave this for a school of strangers, however competent?

It's more prestigious, true.
But with prestige comes expectations I don't meet.
Comes classes far above and beyond anything I've ever done before.
Comes a long, long time away from everything and everyone I know.

I am of two minds.
One of them craves responsibility, is excited by the challenge.
The other wants familiarity, safe classes I know I can handle.
I don't know which I agree with, what I want.

I've started the application process.
I'm already taking steps down this path, rather I like it or not.
Part of me wants desperately to begin next school year in a dorm room, a new place.
Part of me would sigh in relief if the letter I opened was rejection.
Sorry this isn't very poetic, I just needed to get these thoughts out. ~ Maria Hope

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