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I cannot sleep.
I must not sleep.
Waste the precious hours given me,
Before I have to confront myself again.

I will learn from this.
This is ego-death, this is growth.
Even when it feels like dying.
I will make it.

I swear before the music of the heavens
I will ask for help.
Even when it feels like burning,
I will save myself from another Hell.

I will learn to study,
Discipline a rabbit mind.
I will do better.
I will earn my place.

This is my recipe for success:

Take fear, take sadness, take disgust.
Press like flowers under heavy guilt.
Keep them for a reminder,
When you tell yourself everything is-fine.

Remember that you should not live.
Remember that you are a child of fire,
A child of hope.
Take heart in all that you can become.

Ready yourself,
Take a breath,
Try again.

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