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People look,

But do they see?

Do they see a person,

Or merely their appearance?

They see a girl's extra pounds, all right.

But what about her personality?

Do they see her love of music?

What about her selflessness?

They see a boy's wheelchair right away.

The paralysis is the obvious part.

But what about his sense of humor?

What about his determination?

They hear a man's stutter quite clearly.

How long he takes to voice a sentence.

But they can't hear his love for his family.

They can't hear how hard he works every day.

They see a woman's irregular gait easily.

One leg shorter than the other, it's plain to see.

But her dedication to her art is less so.

As is her desire to right wrongs.

Look beyond appearances.

A few pimples, a piece of metal

Don't define a person.

Actions, words, do.

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