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It is a religion practiced in the peace of silence.
Even in the bustle of everyday life, it tells me to seek silence.
To listen to myself in the silence.
To learn to love myself, and then others.

It does not order, does not punish, does not give commands.
"Find the peace and truth within yourself, within others."
"No one can save you except for you."
I agree with this seeking, this exploration, this self-reliance.

Why, then, is there so much doubt in my silence?
When I think of it, its' teachings, there is a little knot in my stomach.
Some little core part of me says "No!"
I agree with its teachings, so why does it make me sick to think of it?

I want to find peace from it.
Its scriptures speak to me more than the Bible ever did.
But some part of me will not go along.
Is this Self, this doubt? Can it be left behind, or is the Path not mine to follow?
This is a poem about my struggles in considering leaving Christianity behind for Buddhism. Some of you will understand, and some of you won't. For those of you who don't, I ask you to remember that every religion, and basic human decency, teaches tolerance. ~ Maria Hope

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