To Learn

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In a brightly-lit room, I am so excited to see the good things a new year brings.
On the soft window-seat cushions I learn about Greek columns and about self.
An end of the year party brings a book I love and an unnecessary apology.
In an old portable, broken French trips off my tongue.

I take it in and I love it all.
Even when I hate it, it becomes a puzzle to solve, a hill to climb.
I seek higher hills, I seek mountains, I seek Olympus.
This is my birthright, a shining gift delivered to me and to all the babies next door.

There's a revolution in this climb of mine.
Just twenty-five years ago, that gift would not have been mine.
That 'special' class I so eagerly fled would have been my pinnacle.
It's not right.

And so, this journey is no longer a solo one.
Alongside me climb, wheel, crawl the shades of others like me.
Others who are denied this journey now, today,
Others who were denied this journey long ago.

I cannot see you, friends, but I think of you daily.
I must never forget that as I gorge myself on knowledge, others starve for a book.
It's up to me to make sure that I share what I've been given.
Someday, we can all take this for granted.

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