..::chapter seven::..

Start from the beginning

"Hey honey, Hannah is upstairs why don't you go play?" he says

"Yeah!" she yells then runs up the stairs ,he doesn't take his eyes off her until she is up the stairs then he relaxes alittle.

"I hate it when she runs up them, i keep thinking she'll fall." he says shaking his head

"Oh hi you must be the new girl?" his sister says i stand up, and she seems to be looking me over,

"Oh uh, yeah I'm Christina." i say walking over to shake her hand

"yeah,I'm Kasey, his sister as I'm sure you just heard" she says smiling and looking over too Alex

"yeah," i say

but you can tell they look like each other the same sandy brown hair,but his is too his ears and hers goes down her back, but she has dark blue eyes,his are a kind of dark green, then i decide i love his eyes, whoa where'd that come from?

but theres nothing wrong with knowing he looks good,i mean he's hot so what? its okay too think that.right?

And he's tall like 6 2, where she is about as tall as me, 5, 3 or 4

"So i'll call you later?" she asks Alex

"yeah, okay"

"Nice meeting you since Ive heard so much about you." she says nodding and smiling

"Nice too meet you too."i say

"Oh we'll be see each other again." she says winking? um okay... i look over too Alex he is glaring at her.

"okay bye sis!" he says

"fine fine I'm going!" she says ,she nods and walks out of the room and i hear the door shut.

"im sorry about that shes strange sometimes."

"what did she mean? you talk a lot about me?"

"uh uh no...shes...crazy..i was just talking about our new pack members an stuff." he says not meeting my eyes, weird.

"oh...okay." i say but not sure by the way he was stuttering ..

"lets go check on the girls.." he says

"okay." i say

so we go back upstairs,

"shh." he says sneaking up too the door,and peeking in the crack of the door,i look in too see them siting on the floor playing,

"Hannah knows about wolfs right? shes seen them?" he asks looking back at me,

"uh yeah why?" i say

"well there's this game i play with Macie."

"let me guess play wolf? haha." i say  

"yup you mind?"

"go for it!" i say holding back a laugh

then he shifts,and i am froze seeing him in wolf form, werewolfs are a bit bigger than real wolfs so his head came up to about my chest ,but he was a very pretty wolf, though his hair is light brown his fur is a dark brown but he still has his eyes, all wolfs keep their eye color.

he nods too the door and some how i know he wants me too open it so i do and he runs in letting out a playful growl,both girls scream then start laughing, Macie jumps at him but Hannah looks alittle unsure she looks over too me

"get him!" i yell, laughing she then jumps him too

he lays on his back letting them crawl on him ,i watch them he throws his head back making sounds that sound like dying and i cant help but too laugh. which makes him look up at me,and then he gets up and jumps over too stand in front of me and makes a growling sound. stomping his front paws on the ground ,

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