Chapter VIII. The Wolf

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"The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard."

-Gaylord Nelson


Chapter VII. The Wolf 

The moment Orion saw Calypso slow down, and ran by her and swooped her up and threw her over his shoulder and began to run. When Calypso's father had first brought Orion home she hated him ,she didn't understand why her father couldn't stay home and take care of her all day. In Vervaulx, Orion's home country it was customary for Mentors to live with the family he was mentoring so that a child had a mentor at all times, they had someone to teach them about history and philosophy at all times of the day. She didn't like Orion, because he was too structured too organized, and she a wild, and as the days past they both grew on each other and they both learned more than they expected.

Clouded by fear, clouded by the cold Calypso didn't notice that the sound she was waking up to was a snap, not a crunch, not the sound of a deer, it was a snap a branch, and where did branches come from. She had remembered she had looked up, but she only looked to the branch where the food was, but not around her.

There was something in the tree, but the way her father had said it, there was someone in the tree

But he was wrong.

Calypso heard the beast before she saw him.

"Do you believe in me?"The voice said in Calypso's ears, she turned her head and saw no one. Orion was still running, fast, keeping up with her father. What had she heard?

"You heard me?"The voice beckoned in her ear, Calypso turned her head viscously and saw nothing

"Stop moving Calypso"Orion grunted

"Do you hear him?"Calypso yelled

"Hear who?Her father asked. Calypso widened her eyes.

"I head voices"She said. Orion stilled in the snow.

"Whats wrong"Calypso asked. Orion held Calypso tighter as if to restrict her from moving from turning around to see what they saw

"Stay right there, Calypso"Her father said,

"Listen to your father, Calypso"The voice purred

"See theres the voice again"Calypso said

"We hear it now, Calypso"Orion said.

"What brings you here?"Her father said disbelief in his voice

"The girl."

"What of the girl?"Orion asked before Calypso's father grew with worry and began to yell at the beast.

"You know what I am yes?"The beast asked

"Yes" father answered

"Then you know what I desire"

"She's only nine"Her father said

"She hunted alone, in the middle of the night"He said, and then Calypso knew what the beast was

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