Chapter I. The Day

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However long the night, the dawn will break.

- African Proverb - Hausa Tribe


Chapter I: The Necklace 

"On your left" Langdon said stomping his foot, kicking hot sand onto shoes. Calypso's hands moved and jetted around relentless as if to try to help in the current situation.

"It's harder than it looks" Calypso opposed, For what it had appeared, the way Langdon had squared his shoulders, his stance, it was perfect form. And with an opponent at such a delicate size, he had the upper hand in the duel. As far back as Calypso remembered, Langdon was always a good fighter, which is why he was a mentor, not an apprentice.

"Than try harder"He challenged. Langdon then rose his sword to the clear blue sky to strike down on his opponent, However in a swift and sudden move the opponent's sword swung forward, clashing against Langdon's with a sharp hiss. The salt stand sweat that had poured from Calypso's forehead had singed its way down her olive skin, and seeped in the corners of her mouth. In an incoherent exult, Langdon rammed his shoulder against the bronze plated chest of his opponent, knocking them to the ground. Langdon flicked his wrist and the sword's end met at the chest of his opponent, he let out a hearty chuckle as he smiled triumphantly

"That was not fair."Calypso testified as her arms flew up in shock.

"You cheated. one does not simply ram into the other one to knock them down, what strategy is that?" Calypso pointed at Langdon. He was teaching how to fight with swords in a proper duel, and in proper duel, swords are the only thing that should touch, not skin, or fist, and certainly not shoulders. The Opponent, Myron shuffled through the sand and stood on his feet

"If your brother is to be the Casidion you wish him to be, then he's going to have to fight people who don't play fair" Langdon argued. He then rested his large hands on Myron's small shoulders, and dusted the sand off of them. Myron shook his head furiously shaking the dust from his dark brown curly hair

"Good work, just work on your defense, and remember fighting isn't one plus two equals three. Its subjective, it's an art" Langdon ran his fingers through his blond sun kissed hair, not a spec of dirt to be seen, or a hair out of place. When Myron thought he had ridden himself of most of the dirt, he walked over to his older sister, Calypso

"Good, huh?" Myron asked posing like a soldier with his sword at his side. Calypso laughed as she gestured him to come closer. When he was, Calypso swiped her hand to the streaks of dust and dirt near the back of his head

"Good. Langdon is right, also your knees"She pointed down to his exposed knees. Myron hissed in shock at the sudden return of pain

"I must have forgotten to-"He cut off his own words as he looked down to his sand scrapped knees that were fresh and stinging with blood. And for only a small moment, Calypso has wished to be able to feel that pain

"It will be good for him to bare a couple scars, behind scars lies a lessons" Langdon smiled tossing his sword to the floor and bent down to look at Myron's knees. He touched the raw skin, and Myron hissed. Calypso moved forward to speak, but Langdon spoke first

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