Pool Time, Fun in the...Oh Crap

Start from the beginning

"Well he's actually Azazel, the fallen angels governor!" I almost trip in my walk as he says this. "The head of the fallen angels!? Hear!?" I whisper back in shock. He nods at me as we arrive at school. I had a pleasant welcome with Koneko standing at the gate. Gaining a small smile I break off from aniki and try to sneak up behind her. "You know I could sense you in the way here right?" She says completely blowing my cover. "Ya, I figured as much. But I did bring you a surprise of sorts." I say.

      Reaching into my bag I pull out a box of different chocolates and gave it to her. She takes it and eats on, gaining an actual smile from the sweet. "Thanks Riv." She says using my now coined nickname. Normally I'd only let aniki call me that but it's ok for her to do so as well. What I didn't notice was aniki standing behind me watching all this happen. "W-w-what's going on!? Riv what am I witnessing?! Are you... are you two d-d-d-dating!?" He asks looking with scared eyes. I look to her and she gives a nod, turning back to him I simply say "yes" causing him to fall over muttering on about "how could he get a girl before me?" and other things of the sort.

     "Well I have to get to class, so see you later aniki." I say as Koneko and I walk into the school towards our class. All the while I had gotten glares from the male students. Oh well, they can deal with it. There opinions don't matter. And if they tried to do anything, I'd rip them limb from bloody LIMB! They will-... what was that all about? I must be still tired or something.

          After the whole day went by without another little outburst like this morning we had all met in the ORC building. "How dare that fallen angel be in my territory, and in top of that make contact with my precious servant!" Rias had been informed by aniki of his clients true identity. I was sitting in the coach, Koneko surprisingly sitting in my lap eating her chocolates.

    "Is there really going to be a meeting with all the leaders?" She asks taking another chocolate. "Yes, that is true. I have gotten word that such a thing will happen here." This...this may be good. If Azazel is going to be here then he's staying in town for a bit. I can talk to him about my powers, I can gain more help! Yes! After more talking Rias shoves aniki into her chest, promising she will not allow anything to happen to him. After all this we make our way to the pool and prepare to clean.

    It was a long while and afterwords we were allowed to use it for ourselves, so Rias had asked me to teach Koneko how to swim. So that's what I was currently doing, we were in the pool with me holding onto her as we kept going. That is until we had backed into the edge of the pool and she came into my chest. "Sorry to have bothered you like this Riv, it must be a burden to help with something like this." She says with a blush gracing her cheeks. Cute. Very very cute. "It's not. I'd be a bad persin and boyfriend to not help you." I say smiling a small smile to her.

      After this we get out of the pool and lay down under an umbrella on a towel. She said that I was warm so she stayed next to me, both of us eventually drifting to sleep. Though when I woke up everything had been turned into a war zone. Suffice to say we may have to clean again.

           I had asked aniki about Azazel after we had finished, convincing him to give me his address so I can "have a place to look if he were to go missing"... either my joke went over his head and he actually thinks he'll die or I'm good at convincing as it took a bit to get it. But apparently Xenovia had tried to make him have a baby with her, saying that that was her new desire in life. While we were on the subject I lean in, saying "If your making me an uncle early you best do it now. I approve of this. You have his brothers consent." Making her have some sort of glint in her eye.

    "This seems like a good time to come in." I instantly drop to a knee, recognizing that voice. A magic circle appears and out steps Sirzechs himself. After this Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno follow suit. "Ahh Rivio. It's good to see you. How have things been for you? I know after learning what you did it may be harder for you, know that you have my support if anything come up." He says, referring to the news of my parents and the New Brotherhood. "Thank you, for now I'll manage. What's done is done after all, I can't change the past." He nods to me as he goes in to talk to the others.

     This all ends in Sirzechs and Grafiya staying over at our house for the night, splitting us all up in different rooms. I got to keep mine, so after everything got quiet I snuck out as quickly as I could, running to the address aniki gave me. It took a while but I eventually reached it. A very nice looking apartment building. I go in telling the clerk I'm visiting a friend, going up to the floor his room is on. When I finally reach it I hesitate, before I knock on the door three times. Surprisingly it opens, revealing the guy aniki described exactly as he said.

     "Ahh, look kid whatever your selling I can't buy. I'm kinda in the middle of some work, sorry but you gotta go." He says moving the door to shut, but I stop it with my foot. "I have a request, not a product to sell." I tell him, looking up to stare into his eye. "Oh ya? And what might that be?" He says. The power radiating off of him..... I can feel it even though he's hiding it.... it's so intoxicating.... I need it, I need IT!!
------------------3rd Person POV---------------

         "How long do you plan on just standing there staring? Come on, what is this request of yours?" Azazel asks as Rivio stays still. He rolls his eyes before moving to close the door, but again it's stopped. This time with a hand, one that looks to be covered with something like armor, something familiar to the Governor General. That's when the door is pulled back fast enough that it flys off its hinges. There before him stood a completely armored Rivio using the Darkness.

     "What the hel-" a fist quickly connects with Azazel's face while he was in his state of shock. Rivio capitalizes on this by using his one serpent to grab the fallen's leg and toss him into the different walls of the room. Slamming him down to the floor, he walks in expecting to have dealt with the man, only to have pure black wings push him back, and a blinding light appear. Azazel stood, holding the ball of light magic in his hand with only a single scratch on him from Rivios assault.

     With the light present the armor and serpent completely vanished, making Rivio fall to the floor gasping for air. As the light fades Azazel stands over the boy. Rivio looks up to the Fallen Angel, directly looking into his eyes. "Help me control this power." He says to him. "That is my request." This shocks Azazel. Knowing exactly what the thing he has been asked for help to control is. How could he forget? The Darkness has made quite the impression and impact on the supernatural world.
Sorry for the long delay. Had some things needing finishing to do and DxD stuff to review to get more of a feel for the characters personality, better then what I have at least. I own nothing but my oc Rivio. Not the Darkness or DxD. 13k views. I never thought that my first attempt at a Fanfiction would get that many. I thought tat this would fail and wouldn't get so much attention. But this, this is a very amazing thing to see. I thank you all for the support you give this story. And remember, no matter who you are or where you maybe, I hope you have a good day.

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