Chapter 38: Departure

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It's been five days since the horrible incident. Just a few hours ago, I attended a funeral. My mothers. I don't have the words that can describe the emotions I have. Whenever I see the gravestone outside Caine Manor, it will always give me the feeling of grief and sorrow.

I was sitting on a bench in the backyard with Emma. She was sipping a hot cup of tea. 

"So, I heard you're leaving soon," she said to me.

"Afraid so," I said. "Unfortunately."

She placed her cup on the coffee table in front of the bench. "So, where are you headed?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you," I told her.

She frowned, "You know, Kallus, you always have secrets, and I don't know I I should trust you."

 I smirked. "What do you mean I have secrets?" I said. "Everybody has secrets, including you."

She rolled her eyes, "I know, but're different?"

"Different good or different bad?" I asked her.

She crossed her arms, "Probably the latter."

"Hey!" I laughed.

"But seriously though, can't you tell me it now? The secret you wanted to tell me when we were in the cave!"

I was staring at a bird landing on a tree branch. "Well, it wouldn't be a secret if told you now, would it!" I teased her.

"Please?" she begged me.

Pretending not to hear her, I looked at my wrist watch. "Look at the time," I said, "I better start packing now!" I then immediately stood up, "see you later, Emma!" After that, I ran inside the mansion.

Emma stood up, "Wait, Kallus!" As she was about to run after me, she realised I 'accidentally' left something on the bench. Accidentally is a word which here means doing something on purpose. Emma felt really curious. Curiosity grabbed a hold of her and she opened the brown folder which I left on the bench.

"Oh my gosh..." she said as she was looking through the papers. "I can't believe it! My father will be free!"

As she was jumping around with joy, I was looking through the window from the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile.

After watching her, I went upstairs and packed all of my stuff.

After ten minutes of packing, I brought all of my stuff downstairs. There, I saw Garry, Katy, Emma, Anton, and Mr Caine.

"I guess this is it, huh?" Garry said.

"I'm sorry," I told him. "I must do this!"

"Well, be careful!" he told me.

I nodded.

"Katy," I said as I approached her, "I'm sorry about the plan."

"No worries!" she grinned.

"And by the way, take good care of your boyfriend!" I told her.

Her cheeks turned crimson. I looked loomed at Garry, and from his eyes I could see he wanted kill me. Literally.

"Okay...Ah yes, Emma. I hope you're happy that your father is going home!" I said.

In a split second, all I could remember happening was her hugging me.

"Thank you," she said.

I smiled, "No, thank you!"

After I said farewell to all of them, I went outside and approached the taxi waiting for me. But before I entered the cab, I went to the gravestone and placed a bouquet of roses.

"I'll return," I said, "I promise!"

Then, I walked back to the taxi and entered it.

"Come back, okay!" Garry shouted.

"I will," I replied through the opened window. Then, the taxi zoomed away into the highway.

During the ride, all I kept thinking about was the piece of paper, and the ring.

I opened my journal and took the piece of paper from inside it. It was an address. An address for a place which is on the other side of the country.

"Now, why would he give this to me?" I said to myself.

After a few minutes of listening to songs on the radio, I finally arrived at the airport. I paid the driver and got out of the car.

"Well," I said as I brought my luggage with me, "my adventure awaits!"

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