Chapter 35: The End?

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"Stop!" I shouted, "Don't go any nearer to the chest!"

John Doe was walking to the opened chest. From a short distance, I could see it clearly. A bright light shone out of it. The chest looked magical as if it came out of a fairy tale. 

"Finally...after all this time, I will be powerful. No one can't stop me!" he said as he placed his hand on the chest. "You could join me, you know. With this, we can rule the world as a whole, unite this current unrefined society. We can make a new world. We can live in it with the people we love and lost."

"Look," I started, "I know you just want to meet your father, but the thing is, you can't." I started walking slowly to him, "What you're doing is wrong. Really wrong. This is against nature. I will not let this happen, I will stop you!"

"Kallus, don't you want to meet your father?" he asked.

"Yes, I do want to meet him, but the thing is, what's the point?" I told him. "He's dead. That's it. No way back. Time cannot be rewritten, you just have to face the facts!"

"Why? Why are you doing this? Of all the people, I thought you would be the person who would really understand!" he shouted.

"No, I don't understand, and never will!" I pointed my index finger at him.

"I will kill you if you interfere further! Now, go away and leave the grown ups as they were. You are just merely a small child." he told me.

"Go to hell!" I spat back at him, slowly walking to him.

"Who do you think you are? Some kind of police officer? A person who has authority? You are just nobody!"

"That's not true," I said. I then gestured my hands towards my friends. "Look at them," I told him, "they trust me, and they care for me!"

"Do you really think so?" he said, "just look at Katy. She's a traitor."

"I know she did what she did, but I know, I just know that there is a logical reason on why she did that!"

John Doe let out an annoyed sigh. "Enough talking!" he told me. "Now, stop advancing towards me and drop down that knife you're holding!"

Fudge, I said to myself, how did he know?

"What? You think I didn't know?" he smirked. "Drop it NOW!"

Reluctantly, I followed his orders and dropped the knife on the cold ground, making a clinking sound as it hit it.

"Just stop, okay!" he told me. "There's no point."

"I will not stop!" I shouted. "Who I am is where I stand," I clarified, "where I where I fall."

John Doe wrinkled his nose. "Who taught you that?"

I crossed my arms, "An old madman with a blue box taught me that." I grinned at him, "He also taught me another thing," I warned. "He taught me that bow ties are cool and to always stand up for what is right, no matter the odds!"

"Are you delusional? Taking advice from a dumb TV show?" he laughed at me.

"It's not dumb," I told him. "You just don't have the humanity inside of you to appreciate it."

He grunted, "And why should I appreciate such small irrelevant things?"

"It's irrelevant to you," I nodded, "but for some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about." 

"Not for me!" he said. Then, he was about to insert his hand into the open chest when he heard me say something unexpected.

"Green ring!" I shouted.

"What of it?" he asked me.    

"You were a friend of my dad, weren't you?" I inquired.

His face suddenly turned embarrassed. "What on Earth are you talking about?" he asked me.

"Much so like Sebastian," I said. "Sebastian wasn't my father's brother, but in fact his one of his best friends. you were also one of his best friends, right?" I said.

"Don't be stupid!" he laughed.

Anger rose through me, like a volcanic eruption, "You were there that night! The night of the explosion,  you were there. While my father was working a way on how to fix that machine the three of you were building, you ran away, like a coward!" 

He didn't responded.

I spat at him again, "He could've lived, had you not been a coward and ran away from your problems!"

His faced was filled with horror and shock. His eyes trembled with fear and emotion as water escaped.

"The green ring." I said, "It was worn by the three of you!" I then placed my neon green bag on the ground, and searched for something. After a few seconds, I found the thing I was searching for in the front compartment of my bag. Well, things actually.

"Look here!" I said as I held two green rings above my head, "Recognise these?" I said as I threw one of the rings into the floor in front of him. "I stole that one when I was at your base," I explained as I pointed to the ring on the floor.

He stared at his ring. "I didn't mean it," he said. "I'm sorry!" he cried out, bursting with tears. "But with the chest, I can bring him back to you!"

I then slipped the ring my father left me onto my finger.

"No," I told him.

"Please...forgive me," he said.

Suddenly, a gunshot filled the atmosphere. In a flash, John Doe fell to the ground, eyes filled with sadness. I almost felt bad for him.

I looked at my left, Detective Stacy was holding out her gun. Without thinking, my legs moved and I was running towards a dying John Doe.

"Kallus," he said as he coughed blood, "take this." He was handing me a piece of paper the size of a business card. "I hope this should suffice," he said, teary eyed. "Please, before I go, can you forgive me?"

As I was about to answer him, his eyes went blank and he died.

"No!" I shouted. "I need answers! I need to know more about my father. Please, don't die!" I cried out.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Emma. I was then that I realised that everyone was awake. Fortunately, the hencmen were still in handcuffs.

I stood up and walked to my friends. "It's all over," I told them. Nut suddenly, a henchman freed himself from the handcuffs, grabbed a hold of a gun and aimed at Garry. Fortunately, Katy saw this and ran up to Garry, pushing him aside as a loud gunshot filled our ears.

Luckily, the henchman was stopped by a couple of policemen, but it didn't stop him from injuring one of our friends.

As Katy pushed Garry to the ground, he felt confused. Then, after hearing the gunshot, he realised what HD juat happened. As he looked at his side, he saw Katy collapsing to tje ground with blood all over her.

"Katy!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.


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