Chapter 24: Sebastian

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The three of us entered an interrogation room on the 3rd floor. Luckily, the police let us enter it. The three of us found black shades lying around so we used them.

Inside, the room was small. On one part of the wall, there was a one way window or mirror. At the centre of the room, there was a metal table with two chairs. On one of them sat Sebastian with his face looking sorrow. He was also handcuffed to the table. The room is basically identical to the one they use in movies and TV shows.

"Sebastian," I said, "Why did you steal the gemstone?" I slammed the table with my hands. It made a very deafening sound.

Everyone was staring at me. "Too far?" I asked them.

Katy was nodding her head as if she was thinking, 'What the hell is wrong with this guy'.

"Sorry," I scratched my head.

"Anyways," Garry said as he approached the seat, "Sebastian, why did you steal from my grandfather?" he said as he crossed his arms.

Sebastian let out a sigh, "First things first, will the three of you please remove those ugly sunglasses? What do you guys think you are? Good cop, bad cop?"

"No, were not," I approached him, "But we may be the only chance you have to get out of this place," I stared at him.

Finally, he spoke, "Emma. Her name's Emma. She's my daughter. Two months ago, the people who works for John Doe kidnapped her. They said if I want her back, I must steal something for their boss. At that time, I have only worked for Mr Caine for a few weeks. I don't know how, but John Doe knew that Mr Caine was about to buy the gem. That is why I stole it."

I smirked, "Awfully."

"So, you did all of that to free your daughter?" Garry asked.

"I would do everything to keep my daughter safe," he said.

"Even kill?" said Katy.

"Even kill!"

"But, do you think that is what she wants? To see her father being a murderer?" I asked him harshly.

"Well, you wouldn't know cause you're not a father. Go and ask your dad. Wait, he's dead!!!" he yelled.

"How dare you!!!" I roared.

"What, you think I don't know?" he smirked.

"You son of a-"

"Stop," said Katy. Luckily, she stopped me from slapping Sebastian and flipping the table.

"Good... good... that's more like it," he said, "You don't just look like your father, you act like him, too. He was reckless, that man."

"You know his dad? Were you a friend?" asked Katy.

"Do I know him? Yes. Is he a friend? No," he answered, "he's my brother."

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