Chapter 22: John Doe

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Garry ran towards Katy, "Great, let me just take that-"

"Stop!" she told him. Garry immediately halted.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"If I give you the stone, what would you do?" she asked him.

"Give it to the guy," he answered.

"Do you think the guy will just let your love ones go?"

"I suppose," he said.

She let out a sigh, "Graxz... Still naive as ever!"

"It's our only chance!" he shot back.

"Why don't we make a plan rather than doing what the person told us to do," she proposed.

"Well, I agree to just give this stone to that person!" he replied, "Kallus, what do you think?"

I immediately froze. I didn't know what to say. Although I want to free my mother, I still think that person will not let them go easily. To tell you the truth, I agree with what Katy proposed.

"We must be smart about this. I think we should make a plan first," I told them.

"What!? You're favouring her than me!" he reacted.

"Hey! I'm not favouring who against who! I love and respect all my friends equally!" I replied.

"Fine!" he said. Then, he went to a door at the back labelled 'exit'. He opened it and was greeted by a staircase which leads to a shed in the backyard.

Katy looked at me. She gave me a pitying and ran to Garry.

While they were upstairs in the backyard, I took a seat at the desk and started doing research. Garry left his phone so I took it. Fortunately, it wasn't locked so I could easily access it. I looked at his call history. Unfortunately, the person blocked their caller ID. But, since they called Garry, I could try and trace back the caller's location. I quickly typed away on the mechanical keyboard and did my work.

"Aha!" I shouted.

"What did you do?" Katy asked as she and Garry went back in. He still looked grumpy, though.

"I trace back the caller. Here's the location," I told her.

"No," she told me, "you can't go there."

"Well, we have to make a plan first," I explained.

"No, you don't understand."

"Then tell us. Tell us what is it that we don't understand!" said Garry.

She walked and sat on a sofa in front of the television. We joined her.

She said, "The person. He calls himself John Doe-"

"Which is a placeholder name, " I continued.

"Yes, that's true. It's just a placeholder name. It's not a real name. Nobody knows his name. The thing is, this guy is dangerous. He has killed a lot of people, including my father. "

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"I'm sorry too," Garry said.

"It's okay," she said.

"And why does John Doe want this stone? Wealth?" I asked her.

"Thou who reads, a quest foretold, to find the pieces left untold, with the pieces, all combined, thou shall achieve wealth and knowledge, far beyond the human mind." she said, "That's what you read, right?"

"Yes! Yes, it is!" I exclaimed. Finally, someone who has seen it! "How did you know about this?"

"You see, this prophecy has been long told. Legend has it, there is a chest. The chest holds wealth and the secrets of the universe. It can also change reality! Millennia ago, a person took hold of the chest and nearly destroyed the world. Fortunately, he was defeated by the ancient people. At first, they wanted to keep the chest, but they decided to destroye it. However, it can't be destroyed so they hid it in a secret place no one has ever been. They made a staff as a map and a key to the temple to where the chest is hidden. They broke it into three pieces and hid them away at temples across the globe. Unfortunately, John Doe already has two parts. The gem is the last part he needs in order to find the lost temple." she explained.

"And you believe this magic chest exists?" asked Garry.

"Yes, I do, because my great-grandfather gave a piece of the staff to his son, which gave it to his son, my father. Alas, he has killed byJohn Doe and took the piece with him."

"So, are you saying a piece of the staff has been safely kept by your family in generations?" I asked her.

"Yes," she replied. "So what do we do now then?" she asked.

"We should check Sebastian and ask him why did he steal the Gem," Garry said.

"Agreed," Katy replied. Both of them looked at me.

"This is one of your only good plans!" I smirked.

We all laughed.

"Come on, let's go," said Katy as she headed for the back door.

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