Chapter 7: let's Go!

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"Writing? There aren't any writing or text on the stone," said Mr Caine, "What are you on about?" he asked.

"Yeah, what exactly happened?" asked Garry.

I took a deep breath,"Last night before I fell unconscious, I saw text inscribed on the stone." I handed Mr Caine my book. He put on his reading glasses and began reading.

"Interesting words," he said. He gave me my book back, "Did you see anything else?" he inquired.

"Well, I did have a dream," I said, "It was about the writing or text and me and Garry going to a library," I looked at him.

"What did the library look like?" asked Garry.

I tried to remember, "If I'm not mistaken, there was a flight of stairs outside the library."

"Hmmm. Is this library located on a hill?" asked Mr Caine.

When he said that, I quickly remembered, "Yes! It was on top of a hill!"

He opened his eyes. Then he said, "From your description, it doesn't give us a lot of info." he said, "But if you are willing to try, the Oceania's First Library is located on a hill. There's also a long flight of stairs outside it."

"Well, that's a good idea. I hope the library can help. Thanks, Mr Caine," I grinned.

He smiled, "Don't mention it!" he replied. After that, he walked to the kitchen; possibly for a cup of coffee or tea.

Then, Garry said, "Hey Kallus, why don't go upstairs and grab our gear while I'll call an uber."

I nodded, "Okay!" Immediately, I headed upstairs to get my green bag. When I was about to close the bedroom door, I heard Sebastian talking from his room; probably talking over the phone. I am not one to eavesdrop but, I overheard him saying the word 'darling'. I said to myself, "Probably his daughter or wife." As I was walking nearer, Garry called me, "Kallus! Our ride should be here in 3 minutes. Can you hurry?" he asked. "I'll be right there," I shouted back. I quickly walked to the stairs and went down.

Garry was checking his phone. He saw me, "So, do you have it?" he asked. I turned around. The bag was safely carried on my back. "Nice," he smiled.

After a few minutes, we heard a 'honk' from outside. I peeked through the window. Sure enough, our uber arrived. After saying goodbye to Mr Caine,we went outside.

There, we found a black sedan parked on the driveway. The windows were tinted. Standing beside the car was a guy; the driver, obviously. He wore a black shirt with blue jeans. On his feet was a pair of Jordans. Fancy guy!

"Are you ready?" he asked us.

"Of course." we replied.

When we were in the car, the driver asked us, "Where to?"

"Ocenia's first library." said Garry.

"Ok," he smiled.

While we were on our journey, I took in atmosphere of the car. Garry was messing with his phone playing this new game called 'Super Mario Run'*
He said you're supposed to complete these levels and collect coins.

The driver was silenly driving on his seat. Sometimes he would ask us if we could feel the air-conditioning or if we are comfortable in our seat. We would politely reply to him that we are fine.

The view outside was even more astonishing. The city of Ocenia has a lot of hills. The clear blue summer sky made it even better.

After a few minutes of driving, we arrived on a road near the beach. We could see people either sunbathing in the sand or playing in the water.

We passed a few shops. Then, the driver stopped his car in front of a dry cleaner. He turned his head to us, "Is it ok if I pick up a few things?" he asked us, "This'll only take a few minutes."

"Sure," we said.

"Thanks, guys!" he grinned, "by the way, do you guys want anything?" he asked us.

We smiled,"No thanks."

When the driver was away, a mesterious black SUV drove past our car. The sunshine reflected on its chrome black chassis and its black tinted windows. The funny thing about the car is that it doesn't have a license plate.

Then, the driver walked to the cars with a few clean shirts on his hands.
He place them in the trunk then sat in the driver seat. "Onwards!" he said.

After a few minutes, we arrived to the library. We thanked the driver. After we got out, the driver deove off.

Garry looked at me, "I'll give him4 stars!" he said.

"Not bad," I said.

When we were talking I didn't realize my surroundings. We were standing down a long flight of stairs. On top of the hill was the large library. It was an old building.

After we finally reached the top, we could see the horizon in the distance. The view was perfect. After taking a few pictures for instagram, we finally entered the library.

Inside, someone was walking towards us, "Welcome to Ocenia's first library." he grinned, " If you would please follow me!"

*not a paid advertisement

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