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Author's note
I was going to do this at a later date, but then i realized that there are a lot of people confused on whether or not some of the character knows if Rei is a girl. I hope this chapter clears some things up.
Fay's POV age of 9
"Fay! Mistress is looking for you," a maid called out to me. 

"Really? Mommy is looking for Fay?" I asked, forcing the words out. Stupid maid, couldn't she see that I was busy? 

She kept smiling at me, and I returned the smile. 

I followed her towards 'mothers' room. After she knocked on the door, a "come in" was heard. The maid stepped to the side and I 'cheerfully' entered the room, I immediately noticed a faint presence in the corner of the room. Heh, I see that Tristen is getting better. IT won't be long until I can't detect him anymore, I'll just have to train my eyes more.

"Mommy?" I asked her curiously.

"You can drop the act you know?" she replied. I could feel my heart skip a beat. How could she know? I thought my act was perfect!

"What is mommy talking about?"

"Fay, listen. I have been to court and have seen many, many different personalities and many different facades. So you either drop that facade or I won't tell you why I summoned you here."

I looked at her with eyes filled with new found respect.

"Good, now," she turned to look at me. Wearing one of the most serious expression I've ever seen.

"I want you to stop trying to figure out where Rei goes-let me finish," she said when she saw I was to interrupt.

"She is a rather tricky child, and it won't be long before it's impossible to find her."

"She? Rei's a girl?" I asked in surprise. 

She stared at me for the longest of time before nodding. She looked around a bit before saying, "I trust you with this secret Fay. Yes, Rei is a girl."

"B-but she can use magick!" this was something unheard of. For a girl to be able to use magick.....this secret could create wars! Imagine, if both the parents had magick then how powerful would a the child be!

"Why do you think she's dressing up as a guy?" she retorted.

"Tristen, you can come out~" she sing-songed, that voice sent shivers up my spine, "you do know that it isn't polite to eavesdrop yes?"

I saw Tristen boldly step out of his hiding spot. I smirked at him, he still has a lot to learn......I wonder if he'll live that long.

"Now that you two know, you must die," she said with a sinister smile that raised the hair on the back of my neck. I could see Tristen's hand trembling, I can't blame him 'mother' is quite frightening.

"Just kidding!" she said, suddenly brightening. That sudden change of personality shocked both of us, I don't think I don't think that I've ever seen anyone change their personality as fast as that, other than me that is.

"But if you do tell anyone, and if my daughter gets hurt because of it......"

We both nodded in understanding, a mother's love was truly powerful. Who knew what she would do if her daughter got hurt. I shivered at the thought of it, I knew that she was very strong. Perhaps strong enough to crush a small kingdom. It frightened me to think of how powerful 'father' is. 
Now......I wonder how the prince found out? Well, that's a story for another day.

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