By the time Madison and I decided to try and get some sleep, it was 2am. Elizabeth was starting to sleep through the night, was good because I was exhausted. Madison and I shared the bed in my bedroom, only I couldn't sleep. I tried to, but I was so scared that I'd miss my phone ringing if I fell asleep.

I eventually did manage to fall asleep, but I was woken up by the sound of Elizabeth crying. I groaned and checked the time. It was 7:45, and I felt like I hadn't slept at all.

I stumbled out of bed and into Elizabeth's nursery. I picked her up and knew she needed to be changed and fed. I quickly got her out of her wet diaper and into a dry, clean one. Then I fed and burped her. I rocked her until she calmed down, but she didn't fall asleep. She kept her green eyes open, roaming the room around us.

Looking down at her, I felt my heart break. She had no idea that her dad was in a coma. It something were to change for the worse, she wouldn't even remember him.

I couldn't think like that. Harry was going to be okay. He had to be. I couldn't do life without him.

"Hey," Madison said, knocking on the door.

"Hi," I said back. "Do you want to hold Elizabeth?"

Madison smiled and nodded. She walked over to me and I carefully handed her my daughter.

"So I have to work today, but I can get a replacement if you need me to babysit again," Madison said.

"No, it's okay. I'll call my parents to babysit if I need them to," I replied. "Thank you so much for babysitting and staying last night."

"Of course. You know I'd do anything for you, S."

I smiled, knowing I'd do anything for Madison too.

Madison left for work and I called my mom to tell her what was happening. I knew she was going to be mad once she found out that Harry had been driving drunk, but I decided to leave that part out. I knew she might not help me if she knew that's why he was in the hospital.

"Hello?" my mom said, answering her phone.

"Hey, Mom, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm well, how are you?" she replied.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," I admitted. "I don't know if you've already seen anything, but Harry was in a car accident yesterday."

"Is he okay?"

I took a shaky breath, trying not to cry. "He's in a coma."

"Sara, I'm so sorry. Do you need a babysitter?"

"Yeah," I said, breaking down.

"I'll be over as soon as I can. You need to be at the hospital in case something changes," my mom ordered.

We hung up the phone and I set Elizabeth in her seat and kept her on the bed while I washed my face. I didn't bother with my hair or makeup, mostly because I didn't have the energy to. I was drained emotionally and physically.

Just before my mom got to my house I fed Elizabeth. I burped her and rocked her until she fell asleep. Once my mom got to my house I showed her where everything was and how to feed Elizabeth.

"Sara, I know how to take care of a baby," my mom said, laughing. "I did raise three of them."

I laughed and said, "I'll call you if anything changes. Call me if anything happens with Elizabeth."

"I will sweetheart. Now go. Harry needs you."

I kissed Elizabeth's head and walked out of the house. I got into the car and drove to the hospital. There were even more paps outside them there were the night before. I walked through with my head down, not saying a single word.

I went straight up to Harry's room and saw only Robin sitting inside.

"Hi," I said quietly, walking into the small room.

"Hi," Robin echoed.

"Where are Gemma and Anne?" I asked.

"I sent them back to the hotel to get some sleep. They were getting about delirious," he replied.

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"How are you?" Robin asked.

"I'm okay," I lied.

"Your boyfriend is in a coma. I know you're not 'okay'," he said.

I laughed dryly. "I'm honestly terrified. I don't know how he went through this kind of thing with me."

Robin looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Just between us, you're handling Harry being here better than he did when the situation was reversed," he confessed.

"I feel helpless," I cried, taking one of Harry's hands in mine.

"We all do, love," Robin sighed.

"I can't do this without him. I can't raise Elizabeth without him. I can't handle the paps without him. And I'm scared of relapsing without him there to save me."

"You won't have to be alone if for some reason something happens," Robin reminded me. "You've got your family, Madison, Liam, Louis, Niall, Anne, Gemma, and myself. But you've got to think positive. Harry will be okay."

I nodded. I looked over at my unconscious love. Harry looked like he was merely sleeping. I wondered if he could hear anything Robin and I had been saying.

I kissed his hand and whispered, "Please wake up."


Okay but this chapter was the longest I've written so far. And I hope you liked it! I liked writing it. I like writing this. Even though no one is really reading it, it's still fun for me.

Please vote & thanks so much for reading this!!

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