Chapter 2

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I wake up with a smile on my face, I'm visiting my family again today.

I wear the most colourful shirt I've got take my time fixing my fringe since people keep telling me off for my splinges, I don't know if that's the right term but they say it's the awkward spaces in between my fringe. I put on my coat and head out for my morning coffee.

I get in the queue here in Starbucks and order my usual. Once I was finished, I spin around to see a guy right behind me. I know it's a queue but damn I got extremely shocked, somehow. I freak out and it resulted to me crashing my hot coffee onto the guys clothes.

Oh no.

"Oh dear, I'm truly sorry!" I cry.

"It's alright." He says as he looks down on his shirt seeing a huge stain on it.

He looks back up at me and our eyes meet. His hair is brown, but It's styled practically like mine but instead of a fringe to my right side, his is a fringe to his left side. His eyes, they're mesmerizing. They are brown, which may seem like the most boring an eye color could get but, brown looks good on him

Get yourself together Phil, you're not gay are you?

I notice the prolonged stare off we've been having, plus the stare of random strangers and the barista in this café.

"Um, I got an extra shirt in my bag, you can have it, I'm terribly sorry for that. Is there anything else I could do? I'm so sorry, wait I'll buy you a drink here-" I start rambling.

"-It's fine and uh, thanks." he says.

He must think that I'm completely awkward.

I lead him to my table here and get my suitcase. I open it up and look at an array of colourful clothes.

"I'm visiting my family today so that's why I have a suitcase full of clothes." I explain as I see the confusin on his face.

"Oh." That's all he says.

"Here, I'm guessing it isn't your style, or color, but it's all I've got." I say as I show him a blue shirt with a nyan cat as the design.

"Um thanks, I'll head off to the loo now then." He says, trying to escape from the awkward encounter we clearly had.

Why do I attract weird people?

I decided as a sorry to him that I'll order a drink for him before he gets back. While ordering, I check my phone to see that I am already late for my tube ride. Oh no.

"Um, can you please give this drink to the guy who is wearing a blue nyan cat shirt after he's done in the loo? Tell him that it's from Phil and that I'm terribly sorry but I'm already late for the train, so I have to leave now, thank you" I grab my suitcase and run off to the underground.

After a series of phone games, mainly this game called Crossy Road, I finally arrive. I take a taxi for the shorter trip back to my family home.

I pay the driver and grab my suitcase and knock on the door.

"Oh, that must be Philip!" I hear my Mum say inside in distress. I chuckle. "Dear, can you get the door for me please?"

"Alright, honey." I hear my Dad say.

The door open revealing my Dad. I say my hello's and head to the kitchen where my Mum in at currently.

"Hi Mum" I greet her.

"Hi deary. Have you seen Martyn yet?" She asks and I shrug. "He's probably out in the backyard with Cornelia."

I walk to the backyard to see my older brother Martyn, and his wife Cornelia. I greet both of them and then I grab a drink and take a seat enjoying my visit.

Every year we visit Florida as a family, with Cornelia since she's also part of the family. So Mum and Dad are still preparing their stuff and the food to be tagged along the trip. We do this every year but in every year, it still excites me that we get to do mini golf again. I'm quite good at it, my family calls me "Tiger Lester", which sounds cheesy but it's a great name to uphold.

My parents finish everything up and then we're off to Florida.

I still can't get over that guy in Starbucks.

Who was he?

I didn't even get to ask his name.

Oh, well.

"Phil?" Martyn asks, spinning me out of my hypnotising mantra.

"Hm?" I look up at him.

"Um, you've spaced out, what's wrong buddy?" He asks.

Me and my brother surprising get along well, so it might not hurt to tell him another awkward story about my day.

"Um, I had another awkward day." I say as my cheeks flush.

"What? Tell me about it." He laughs.

"Er, I was ordering a coffee at Starbucks and when I turned back, there was this guy behind me, I crashed and spilled my hot coffee all over his clothes." I say with my head down in shame.

"Oh, Phil. Well, what was his name?" He asks, while chuckling at me.

"I never got to ask, since I was already late for the train." I say.

"That's a shame, I would've wanted to get to know him." He replies.

Everything's packed and we're ready to go. We get into our car and head off to the airport. I get on my seat, which is beside the window and is the best seat ever. I ready my phone for my Buffy The Vampire Slayer marathon, which is obviously the best show in the world.

This is going to be a long trip.


Hi again, um I don't exactly know when Phil and his family go to Florida but for this stories sake, it will happen on the first day of uni (which I still don't know when that is).

Also, I don't know if this is a sore subject for the phandom but what happened to Phil's Dad? Um I'm a new phan so I don't know, can somebody please tell me if this is a bad topic. Also for Dan's parents, I rewatched Dan and Phil's Draw My Life's and Dan mentioned in his teen life that his parents fought but I don't know if they divorced or something worse than that, same thing goes for Phil's parents, please educate me. I also don't know if Cornelia is Martyn's wife or girlfriend or fiancé irl.

I wrote this on 5 AM in my country pardon me.

I listened to the whole Blurryface album by Twenty One Pilots for this, which has no connection to this story what so ever.

I still haven't slept.

- Kim

(Written: May 22, 2017 Edited: May 30, 2017)

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