There is no true ending

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I wrote this for people who felt like they are still in the closet of spirituality.

I have not told my family about being pagan instead I used something else.

There is no right or wrong way to go through spirituality if you do things right.

You can be pagan but mostly relate to Hinduism. 

Currently I am researching Hinduism because Ganesha kept showing himself to me and I decided to finally meditate and learn about the stories of Hindu Gods.

I think raising a child in a non-specific way when it comes to spirituality is perfect.

You can let them choose.

Some kids won't choose the paths you want them to and that is okay as long as that path doesn't harm anyone.

Be true and kind but not only that respectful of others religions.

I don't hate Christianity I challenge those who follow it to ask questions.

Not in a way that invalidates their religion but changes how they think spiritually.

Keep blessing those and give hope to those who see failure on themselves and on fellow mortals.

There are times where you need to own up and apologize but because of that do not expect kindness back.

Some people won't forgive and because humans suck they could take more from you.

Let that be the last thing they take and get it back.

You have the power to control your destiny spiritually.

Whether you're 10 or 100 years of age no one can stop you from researching what you feel is best for you.

Sending love to you always keep in touch with readings.

Love and Luck

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