The 'I am so offended' stage

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During your spiritual walk and of course growing physically and mentally you will see that the stuff you thought was a good idea when you were a kid is not a good idea now.
Maybe when you were a kid like me you thought because your parents or your grandparents or your best friend is Christian and you thought it be a great idea. But now that you recognized signs about yourself that perhaps were there when you were a kid and you didn't acknowledge those traits or feeling or whatever that's making you reconsider it.
So now we addressed hell (or as far as we go for a moment)
Lets address what you will go through during the stages of growth. This could be for anything. You discovered you like the same sex and you met someone whose extremely homophobic. How about you believe in equal rights for everyone and someones comment could come across as racist and all you can think in your head is "Oh my God I cant believe this asshole just said this."
You know what tumblr call that (not just tumblr but I am calling them out cause they use it a lot)  They call it being 'triggered' but I am gonna tell you right now that word is becoming meaningless like the saying, "I love you." to young adults and teenagers. Whats important for you to know that growing into adulthood you're going to be offended all the time. But being offended is not the same as being triggered.
Being offended is a mild symptom like a mosquito.
Its annoying and obnoxious.
It will die eventually as long as you don't keep feeding it your blood by doing nothing but yelling and calling all your friends to sign a petition to get rid of mosquitoes.
Its not a bad thing that they are there you just wish at the time that it didn't bother you as much as it did.
That's being offended.
Being triggered is something like a giant bug going near your ear but you are freaking out because you remembered an awful time where a bug crawled its way into your ear and until you heard the doctor say that he sees a bug in there all you felt was a mild headache. But now when you get headaches you have to go into a quite area and cry or wash your ear out because the bug you know is gone you believe is still there at the time. You shake and flinch and remember the cries you made when you found out a bug dug a hole through your ear.
And then you might have a panic attack.
You see that is what its like to be triggered.
For memories to swarm around you and anxieties.
Its not pretty and I wish people stop using that word triggered like its something to say in place when they are offended.
You will get through this stage.
You will grow from this stage. You will shake off being offended and become more aware of whats important.
Yourself and how you grow.
Acknowledge you have mistakes.
Don't get too defensive. That's what I am trying to work on this year.
Make sure you don't let anyone talk you out of what you believe in.
Grounding yourself spiritually will help you with that.

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