Chapter 9: All Of His Ninja, All Of His Men, Couldn't Bring Him To Life Again

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Naruto woke up staring at the ceiling of her room. Her henge had worn off last night. Her entire face drained of blood. "No...they couldn't have..."

Relax, kit, I kept up the henge until they left. No one knows.

"No, Kyuu..." she gasped. "That's not it...they...they..."


"THEY LEFT ME DIDN'T THEY?!" Tsunami and Inari winced at the volume of Naruto's voice. Thy watched the blonde jumped down the flight of stairs. "Where are they?"

Tsunami gave a wary look. "Naruto-kun, sensei said you overused your chakra again last night. Please, rest."

"But then I wouldn't be part of the mission!" she whined. Inari scoffed, looking up from his half-eaten sandwich. 

"You're not gonna make it. None of you are. Gato's gonna kill you all."

Naruto had had enough. Why did this kid insist on them dying. "How could you say that, Inari?! Why don't you have any faith in us?"


The blonde looked taken aback, bright blue eyes wide as plates. She grit her teeth, fists clenched. "Never suffered before?" she whispered, her rage filling up. Inari didn't pay her any mind, and then she slammed her fist onto the table, shocking both mother and child. "YOU DON'T KNOW TRUE SUFFERING, YOU BRAT!" she cried. "YOU'VE NEVER BEEN HATED BY AN ENTIRE VILLAGE BEFORE! HAS YOUR VILLAGE TRIED TO KILL YOU BEFORE, JUST BECAUSE YOUR FATHER GAVE YOU SOMETHING THAT THEY ALL HATED?! I'VE NEVER SUFFERED?! ALL MY LIFE, I WAS NEVER LOVED, AND MY PARENTS DIED ON MY BIRTHDAY! AT LEAST YOU HAVE YOUR MOTHER, AND YOU HAD A FATHER FOR A WHILE! I NEVER HAD ANYONE!"

The young boy was gaping at the blonde with wide eyes, tears gathering in his own eyes as Naruto turned away and rushed out of the house. 

Inari was crying. He felt the tears stream down his cheek as his mother held him. "K-Kaa-san...I-I didn't k-know."

Tsunami was still in shock. That young child suffered so much at such an age. "K-Kaa-san, I said bad things to Naruto-nee. I-huuu."

The household wife held her son closer, and simply looked at the door Naruto left open.


Naruto quickly wiped away her tears as she jumped from tree to tree in the bridge's direction. 

Kit...are you okay?

She sniffled. I'm fine, Kyuu.

The fox was silent for a moment. Kit...I'm sorry.

The blonde froze. Her tears stopped completely, and her anger faded. She held a hand to her stomach. Not your fault...she said. Never was...

Her eyes twitched as they picked up the sound of a groan. She turned to the direction, gaping at the sight. Trees, slashed as if they'd been mutilated, and a boar on the ground, nearly dead. She paled. "These marks," she mumbled to herself, as realisation hit her like a brick. "Inari! Tsunami!"


Naruto had barely arrived on time. Two ninjas, one with a weird beanie, and the other ridiculously huge with a serious mug had their hold on Tsunami. The blonde's eyes widened as she saw Inari running towards the two ninja. "Get...GET AWAY FROM MY MOM!"

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