Chapter 4: Teamwork is Key...Now Let's Eat

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Sasuke woke up to the smell of food cooking on the stove. He got off of Naruto's bed and entered the kitchen. Naruto had made breakfast in the form of fresh cut fruits and tomato omelette. Damn...the dobe knew what he liked. "Oi, Naruto. Kakashi told us not to eat."

Naruto turned around and flipped the omelette onto the plate. "Oh. Morning Sasuke." Sasuke eyed Naruto in his apron. Somehow being in an apron and doing chores made the dobe look...feminine. "And by the way, Sasuke, Kaka-sensei suggested not to eat. It wasn't an order. You don't want our stomachs to grumble in the middle of the test and weaken us, do you?"

Sasuke had to admit, the dobe had a point. "What time is it?" the Uchiha asked as she munched on his food. 

"Mmm, about six thirty." Sasuke's eyes widened in panic. "Ah, don't worry. I woke up super early and asked my friends in the ANBU, Stag and Otter, about our sensei. He's always three hours late no matter what was going on, so we have another hour and a half until the test."

"That might be true," Sasuke groaned, drinking his glass of water and watching Naruto gleefully making two bentos. "But what if he is on time?"

Naruto whistled as he added some cherry tomatoes to the blue bento. "Trust me, he won't. Besides, imagine. Right now until eight o'clock, Sakura is sitting alone in the training grounds, sleepy, hungry, and without her beloved Sasuke."

Darn. "Good point dobe."

Naruto grinned. "I know."


At eight, Naruto packed their bentos in his scroll and set off with Sasuke after getting the Uchiha a change of clothes at the Uchiha Compound. They smirked satisfactorily as they saw the pinkette sitting alone and sleepy and hungry in the middle of the training grounds. She yelled at Naruto immediately about being late, but gushed about how good Sasuke looked in the morning. 

Kakashi arrived minutes later. Sakura started shrieking about how he was late, and his excuse was: "I'm sorry. A black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way round."

"Liar!" Naruto huffed. "Kaka-sensei, for that, you've been demoted to Kaka-baka."

Kaka-Baka he says, thought Kakashi, eye twitching. "Well, why don't we start right away." He placed a timed clock on the tree stump. "It's set to noon. Your assignment is simple." He held up two silver bells. "You are to take these bells from me. Failure to do so, you won't get lunch and you'll be tied to those posts, and you'll watch as I eat mine."

"Yay!" Naruto cheered, slugging an arm around Sasuke. "See, teme! I told you! Now you're happy I cooked for you right? Right?"

Oh? He realised. How interesting, sensei. Kakashi gave an eye smile. Sakura pointed out that there were only two bells and how there were three of them. "Well, that means that at least one person would be tied to the post. That person gets eliminated immediately, and is sent back to the academy. Then again, you could all flunk out."

Naruto pouted, while Sasuke and Sakura looked determined to get the bells. "No fair, Kaka-baka! You can't make us do this!" Naruto cried. "I made bento for Sasuke and me, but you're saying we can't eat it! You're evil! Evil!"

Kakashi ignored Naruto. "Alright then. Begin!"

The three Genin disappeared out of the Jounin's sight. Naruto tried to pinpoint Sasuke and Sakura's chakra. Let's see...Ah ha! She found Sasuke. Naruto created about five shadow clones, and sent them to distract Kakashi while she looked for the Uchiha. Sasuke blinked at her appearance. "Hey, Sasuke, I know what this test is about. I have an idea, but we'll need the banshee."

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