Heading to Nayapalli

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Bijjaladeva made this plan with the help of Kamakuyachu (Kalakeya's Brother).
So, Kamakuyachu entered the kingdom with the help of the messenger. Then they attacked the area with arrows and smoke bombs to distract everyone and then took away Bijjaladeva to their kingdom. Bijjaladeva once again escaped death.


"Mother! We have bad news!" Exclaimed Bāhu.

"What is it?" I asked.

Bāhu explained everything to me.

"Oh my goodness! If Kalakeya has a brother, Kamakuyachu, then he would certainly take revenge on us for killing Kalakeya!" I cried.

Bāhu looked at me in worry. "Kamakuyachu would certainly avenge Kalakeya... we must protect our kingdom!"


Meanwhile in A far away land, in a castle made of stone, surrounded by huge trees and burning corpses, Bijjaladeva, along with Kamakuyachu and other ministers were sitting around a table and planning for something... something huge... something which could destroy Māhishmathi in a single go.

Bijjaladeva wanted to avenge his son (Bhallaladeva) so he contacted Kamakuyachu through the messenger, and Kamakuyachu accepted, but under one condition, Bijjaladeva must help him avenge his brother too.(Kalakeya).

Both having the same goal... destroying Māhishmathi, they joined hands. Just as they say, "Enemies enemy is a friend".


The afternoon sun was blaring hot. The endless blue skies looked over me.

"Kattappa, How long should we still keep going?" I asked.

"Ah, it was your decision to visit the village in disguise to hear what people are thinking about Bāhubali." Replied Kattappa.

"But look! Even my camel looks like it's dying from the heat! Look at it's eyes!" I exclaimed.

"Haha! Camel eyes are always like that! Sad and droopy. Well, it hasn't even been half a day since we started from the castle. We're coming close. The village should be here any minute."

My face turned red in embarassment. "As Avanthika, the future queen of Māhishmathi, I comand you to take me back to the palace!"

"Your tricks won't work here. Haha!"

regretted my decision to visit Nayapalli, a village far away from Māhishmathi. I asked Kattappa to come along. I wanted to know what people in that village are thinking about Bāhu. But for now, I'm in a hot and endless dessert.

"The village!" Kattappa yelled.

I squinted my eyes only to see a blank line at the horizon.

"That's a village?" I cried.

"Yup. You'll actually see the beauty of the village when we enter it."

We continued on for another hour or so.

Finally we arrived at Nayapalli. Just as Kattappa said, it was beautiful. We tied our camels and continued on walk. The humungous trees and ponds made sure the temperature was cool.  "Kattappa, this place is beautiful!" I exclaimed with widened eyes.

A woman with her Saree pallu covering her face approached us. "You both look new!"

Kattappa replied "Yes yes. We came from Māhishmathi for trading."

The woman gave a gentle smile. "Mind if I show you around?"


Kattappa and Avanthika, along with the woman, went around the village cheerfully.

The woman stopped. "Here, see this group of people? This is where comedy shows take place everyday. Wanna watch?"

They pushed through the crowd only to see a miniature stage made out of stone. A man was standing on the stage and appeared to say something as the crowd burst into laughter.

"He is one of the best Comedian in this village!" The woman exclaimed.

The crowd applauded and the comedian walked down the stage as another person walked up the stage.

Avanthika asked the woman "Is he also a great comedian?"

The woman looked down in anger. "One of the worst... He comments everyone and thinks it's comedy. He hurts everyone's feelings and forgets it like a joke. He is a feelingless stone."

Avanthika glared at him."What's his name?"

"Chapathi Rao" she replied.

Avanthika giggled "Chapathi Rao? What kind of name is that?"

The show started. Even Avanthika was shocked from how insulting he was. The crowd was all gloomy and angry. But he didn't care.

Chapathi Rao continued despite the hatred of people. "Aaah! And women! The dumbest and stupidest people are women! They are of no use other than in bed!"

Before he knew it, a hand grabbed his arm. He turned around only to find a lady.... Avanthika.... raged with fury...

"You crossed the limits, Chapathi Rao..."

Bāhubali 3 : The After MathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz