The Truth

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Bāhubali, on his horse, along with 6 other people were going towards the deserts. In the crew, there were Bāhu, Avanthika, The messenger, A minister, A soldier and a weapon carrier (a person who carries all the weapons).

Bāhu told Avanthika his plan. As they reached the deserts, Bāhu along with crew got off their horses. The messenger also got down nervously.

I got off my horse nervously. His Majesty got off his horse too. I did not understand why we all got off here. If I was really needed for investigation, why did he bring me here?

I started to worry. It looked like I was the only one there who didn't know what was going on.

Bāhubali slowly walked towards me. Everyone else backed away. I was scared to death.
He asked me "You were involved in the mysterious attack yesterday... right?"

"N-No Sir! Why would I ever do that?" I bluttered and slowly backed away.

He narrowed his eyes towards me.

I turned around quickly and attempted to run, but I regretted my choice instantly as Avanthika was standing right behind me to make sure I won't escape. She whispered into my ears "You can't escape, you bastard!"

Bāhubali slowly pulled out his sword and placed it near my neck. "You were involved in the mysterious attack yesterday... right?" He repeated with a even more serious tone.

I didn't understand what to do... I was stuck. Lie and I'm dead. Tell the truth and I'm dead.
I took a deep breath. "Yes sir, I was involved."

"Then why didn't you tell me before?!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

I whimpered. "I'm s-sorry! They threatened me that they will kill my family!"

The minister interrupted "do you know what you did is a crime? According to the rules, you will be punished with lifetime imprisonment for helping enemies and betraying your kingdom."

Tears rolled out of my eyes. "I-I'm really sorry! But I have a family to take care of! That's why I helped them! That's why I released Bijjaladeva.

Bāhubali looked at the floor in deep thought. "Who are the attackers?" He asked.

"Sir, we all thought he died... but he is still alive... He is Kamakuyachu

"Who's that?" Bāhubali asked.

"He is the brother of Kalakeya..." I whispered.

Everyone gasped.

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