Chapter 8: Do You Wanna Build A Great Bridge~ Come On Let's Go and Train~

Start from the beginning

Kakashi gave his usual eye smile. "Alright then, Naruto. Why don't you demonstrate for Sasuke and Sakura."

"Okay!" Naruto focused her chakra towards the soles of her feet, balancing it so she wouldn't use too much or too little chakra. She stepped towards the nearest tree and placed one foot on the bark, then the other. She slowly walked up the tree trunk vertically without her hands, humming a tune, the turning to face below her, beaming at her teammates. "How's that, Kaka-sensei?"

Kakashi was impressed. "Looks like you got a heads-up on chakra control practice, then. Very good, Naruto. Now, Sakura, Sasuke, you two try."

They did. Sakura managed to get to the top successfully, albeit at a slow pace. Sasuke, however, used too much chakra and imprinted a hole in his tree a fifth of the way. Sakura started to cheer for Sasuke. "Damn it," the Uchiha cursed. 

Naruto eyed Sasuke's feet. "Sasuke! Try imagining your feet being layered in chakra instead of randomly distributing your chakra!"

Sasuke didn't question her advice. He trusted her. He did get better, but only improved a little. He hadn't gotten the amount of chakra right. Naruto frowned and walked down the tree to Sasuke. "How did you imagine it?"

Sasuke raised a brow. "Like you said. Chakra enveloping my foot."

She gazed upwards thoughtfully. "An even layer? Because you realise the arch of the foot has more distance from the trunk, so that requires a teensy bit more chakra to stick." Sasuke wanted to hit himself. Of course. That made sense. "Also, Sasuke, try getting the amount of chakra right first. Don't climb the tree yet. Put one foot on the trunk, get the amount right, then do the same for the other foot and start climbing. Otter taught me with this technique so there's no way you can fail."

Sasuke didn't know who Otter was, but if Naruto was so confident...

Impressively, Sasuke got it on the third try, and calmly made his way up the trunk. "YAY! Congratulations, teme!"

Sasuke smirked, walking down and slugging his best friend on the shoulder. "Shut up, dobe." Even if he said that, Sasuke couldn't deny the fluttering warmth in his chest. He had the dobe to thank for so much.

Kakashi was rather surprised. He hadn't expected them to learn it completely so quickly. After Naruto helped Sasuke, he could see the sheer improvement. Perhaps he could use that to his advantage. "Alright, good work, all of you. For now, then, you can all join in guarding Tazuna."

Naruto frowned. "But Kaka-sensei, I wanted to train with Zabuza-sama. Can't I go? Please?"

The silver-haired Jounin sighed exasperatedly. "Now, Naruto. The mission is priority."

The blonde looked dejected. "Then can I at least make kagebushins to train with him? He promised to teach me some kenjutsu. And Haku-pyon has two nature affinities, one of them being wind like mine. He was going to teach me to control my wind chakra."

Kakashi was about to refuse. He wasn't about to let a missing nin teach his students, but then Naruto pulled those eyes. He held his ground for a while before his resolution broke. He groaned in defeat. "Fine, Naruto. But remember, the mission is always priority."

"YAY! I LOVE YOU KAKA-SENSEI!" Naruto tackled her sensei to the ground in a hug. She got up quickly and made about twenty kagebushins, who were all more than eager to rush off training with Zabuza and Haku. Meanwhile, Kakashi noticed Sasuke glaring at him excessively with a dark aura. Sakura, oblivious as ever, clung onto Sasuke's arm and laughed lightly. "Naruto, if you love sensei that much, why don't you marry him, huh?"

Kakashi tensed as he watched Sasuke's aura get darker and darker. It was so scary the Jounin started sweating. Naruto turned to Sakura. "Sakura, you're so stupid. Kaka-sensei is, like, 26 or something. If he had any sort of feelings for me, he'd be a pedophile like my godfather's ex-best friend. Besides, Kaka-sensei is cool, but he's not my type."

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