Chapter 12

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I had never driven so fast in my entire life.
How could Nate have gotten shot? Why would God have let that happen?


   I threw myself out of my car and charged over to where the EMTs were.
"Where did he get shot!!??" I say while panting heavily.
The EMTs had a confused look on their faces.
"Shot? He passed out in the middle of the parking lot!" The EMT replied.
"What made him pass out?" I scream in a panicking voice.
The EMT sighed and looked at me once more.
"We don't know yet!" The EMT said.
I ran over to where Nate was laying.
He was half awake.
"Nate!? Are you ok?" I say to him.
Nate tried making a fist but he was way to weak.
"it hurts!" Nate said in a muffled suffering voice.
The paramedics rushed over with a stretcher, they listen Nate onto the stretcher.
I started to worry, I remembered when Nate was a kid, and he broke his arm at recess, The ambulence came in no time, they tried getting him onto a stretcher, but he would say;
"Stop! I don't trust you!"
And it would take his mother and I to get him to calm down, But this time Nate laid lifeless on the hospital stretcher.

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